Monday, February 20, 2006
Dear all PETRONAS scholars,Kindly be reminded that you (local and international students) are required to submit your copy of latest semester academic result to PETRONAS; as stipulated in the PETRONAS Education Sponsorship Agreement, with effective of January 2006 semester onward.You are responsible to submit it personally to Education Sponsorships Unit (ESU) officers; En. Azlan or En. Asridin at ESU Office in Block O, near the BCB’s Cafe (the building used to be UTP Health Center/Clinic).Shall you have further inquiry, kindly contact us at 05-368-8453/8454 or email us at or you.For Education Sponsorship Unit (ESU) @ UTP
p/s: aku pon nggak tahu.. tadek pon die post kat umah.. yg online nye ade aa aku simpan.. bukan ke patutnye pet dah ade ke salinan exam slip? biase2nye asridin yg ade siap tulis surat anta rumah.. ape nye sistem jimat stem ke kali nih?
p/s: aku pon nggak tahu.. tadek pon die post kat umah.. yg online nye ade aa aku simpan.. bukan ke patutnye pet dah ade ke salinan exam slip? biase2nye asridin yg ade siap tulis surat anta rumah.. ape nye sistem jimat stem ke kali nih?

posted by Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 @ 8:12 PM,
- At 1:15 PM, said...
petronas...bese le tuh. da bg duit byk kat budak maka takde duit nk byr setem. miahaha :p
(aku berbangga menjadik budak mara..wahaha)