Thursday, March 23, 2006
hehehehe..ade org pm aku pagi tadi..saje je nk post..lame tk post..keh keh keh..
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scuzzo84: fag
K E: ...
K E: ni sape lak
scuzzo84: speak english stupid
K E: owh..whos this?
scuzzo84: this is USA speaking to malaysia, how are you stpid?
K E: lol..
K E: whos this?
scuzzo84: shutup
K E: ..
K E: ok
scuzzo84: i duno
scuzzo84: but ur gay and boring
K E: hahaha
K E: ya gay n boring
K E: how'd you get my ym id?
scuzzo84: no idea nigga
K E: lol
K E: where you from?
scuzzo84: pakistan
scuzzo84: live in USA thoguh
K E: i see
K E: where exactly in USA?
scuzzo84: why....
K E: nothing..just curious
scuzzo84: » Operating system type and version (i.e. Windows 2000 Server, Fedora Core 3)
» Sugar Suite version (i.e. 3.5.1e)
» Webserver type and version (i.e. Apache 1.3.31, IIS 6)
» PHP version (i.e. 4.3.11)
» MySQL server version (i.e. 4.1.16)
K E: huh?
K E: wtf is that
scuzzo84: are you a student
K E: yup
scuzzo84: gay
K E: lol
K E: i said im gay right
K E: i hv a friend in USA
scuzzo84: budak gila
K E: hahah
K E: stupid boy
scuzzo84: east coast or westcoast
scuzzo84: ok lah
K E: north coast
scuzzo84: oh thats gay area
K E: tell this to him
scuzzo84: he told me to tell you to shutup
K E: hehe..really?
K E: he's gay too
scuzzo84: yes and he said your an idiot too
scuzzo84: syke
scuzzo84: how old are you
scuzzo84: are you a guy
scuzzo84: or what
scuzzo84: and what part of malay u from
K E: im technically im a guy
scuzzo84: k
K E: part of malay im from?..dont understand ur question..
scuzzo84: dont you live in malaysia
scuzzo84: u idiot
K E: part of malaysia
K E: kl
scuzzo84: kuala lumpur
scuzzo84: rich area
K E: lots of gay people here
scuzzo84: are you serious
scuzzo84: are you hindu
K E: no..
scuzzo84: linux
K E: huh?
scuzzo84: hfjh
» MySQL server version (i.e. 4.1.16)
K E: Haha... you're funny!

posted by MK @ 9:32 AM,
- At 9:41 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
mok.. dak bengap ke tuh? cam haram je style die pm ko
anyway yg last skali Haha You're funny tuh ko gune audible kan?
aneh siot conversation ko... is malaysia full with gays?
am i gay? - At 10:01 AM, MK said...
(melebey2 lak pakcik ari nih..)..
yey besok balik utp :D
::300gram of spam:: - At 10:37 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
LOL WTF?? the best joke ever, but if i were u mok, i pwed him after the 10th line. man he pmed u and acted rude, beter slam his mouth shut. wahhahaha which part of stupid did he come from LMAO. calls himself a paskistani and live in USA, wahahha heck when someone live in america he probably says "i live in US" or " im from the states". got "ok lah" summore wahahha thats a good laugh.
and enough with the sentence bro, a 5yr old is better then that.
u should pwned him hahah. if you want to lie learn from the best. dont just simply say and then blew the cover wahahahha, eastcoast or westcoast, wth? pantai barat pantai timur ker wahahhaha. just us malaysian said that, as foreigners never bother to know as this is a small country, hahah.
this is hilarious, although i'm quite disturbed with his manner but its still it a good laugh ahhaha
-jep- - At 10:40 AM, said...
not a bad joke for a starter..not bad..
wtf aa mok..leh lak ko sabo melayan..aneh..haha - At 11:07 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
hey.. jep.. mok did lied!!
kan die cakap.. "im gay, so technically im a guy"
or was he lying in that part?
mok? any comments? - At 11:12 AM, MK said...
kalo btol aku gay camner lak enoll?..hmm..die tipu aku..aku tipu la die blk..tkkn nk bitau aku normal person kot..dh ade awek..ape sume..opps.aku dh ade awek ke?..hmm :P
- At 11:26 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
hahah bkn mok la, mangku tu la x pndi nak tipu ahahha
mok mmg gay, siyesly its true hahaha