Tuesday, March 14, 2006
So, in order to have a nice plan, I'm gonna need some information and also suggestions.
11th April is a public holiday for Prophet Muhammad's birthday (Maulidur Rasul). But that is Tuesday. *sigh*
Maybe we can do it in weekend, or if we want all of it/is jan03 members to attend, we need to find a date where the weekends is extended with a public holiday so that everybody can come. In that case, that will be 29/4,30/4, and 1/5 (Labour Day=Public Holiday!!).
Regarding the place, there are suggestions from Enol and Seannie to do it either at Sungai Congkak, Sunway Lagoon, or Genting (refer comments at Seannie's post). Some guidelines for your suggestions : The location is easily accessible, the cost is not too high, and it has some attraction and suitable for gathering activities. Got any ideas?? Post it at the comments below!
1) Date proposed : 30/4 (Saturday) /*Gajah got another plan on 30/4,other date?*/ I need more proposed date!!!
2) Place proposed : Sungai Congkak, Sunway Lagoon, Genting, Port Dickson, MidValley, UTP, no KLCC, Endah Parade (Sri Petaling) for bowling,
3) Activities proposed : Picnic at a watery place,bowling,
4) Costs proposed : below RM 30,Free??(bring a lot of food there!! :p)
5) Irrelevant suggestion : Lubuk Tupah, Sipadan, (ko mmg cilake en A..ade je nk wat org gelak)
Notes : the summary part is a proposed plan by some of it/is jan03 members. I will update it accordingly when there are other suggestions. This is not a fixed plan and it is subject to changes. **************************************************
Start posting your suggestions now!! Gurls!!! where are your voices???

posted by Anonymous @ 10:30 AM,
- At 11:23 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
wahuwahwau aku vote for.......... tmpt yg le mkn rmi2 satu meja leh? genting cam best tp nnt kiter rmi2 syok sendiri nek ride byk kali.....sunway bole gak tp kang dh smp kompem berpecah.....sg pon best but kiter ni large group and sg slalu crowded...lain la korang nak gi sg segget hahaha, pantai pn best wahwuawha
aku sokong picnic sbb picnic bwk mkanan dr umah wahuwa, xyah leceh2 setup api
-jep- - At 11:26 AM, MK said...
yey..at last..an effort to organize a gath.. :D..tapi ekceli secara tak rasminye gath cam tiap2 minggu je..cume jumpe muka budak2 sama je..jep,wekap,bulah,bob..ade la gath kecil2an ngan en a,pakcik,amin,gjh dsb..buat la ala2 ade commitee ckit..biar organize..keh keh keh..for the places, ok je sume suggestion nih..tapi..Genting...if can avoid places with roller coasters..give me the creeps after watching Final Destination 3..jk :D..kalo transport rasa cam tade masalah..a lot of us have cars and living near to each other..i wonder if adek has an extra agenda by having the gath at a 'watery place'..hmm -_-?..cmon guys..need ur responses!!!
- At 11:43 AM, kakak said...
ahahaha..gath cam best..tp adekah ini tuk mereka2 d kl n kwsan sewaktu dgn nyer shj?.. (umet aku jauh..)plan la bebaik..aku nyokong je..tp kalo tmpt berair tuh,aku takut ade girl yg xnk..bahaya tuh.. kalo sesape ade idea slain tmpt tuh, gtau la ek..aku rase ramai je on kalo wat gath dgn syarat skoler dah masuk n memasing ade duit..
- At 12:03 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
aku ader gak cadangan pasal benda nih..aku ader satu pantai bes kat PD..nanti aku sediakan map kalo korg setuju..erm, leh mandi2..ngan wat aktiviti tepi pantai..sbb dulu keluarga belah mak aku ader wat family day kat situ gak..mase tuh dlm 50+ org sbb adik beradik mak aku ader 13 org..korg sure leh kira kalo satu family tuh ader baper org kan..
pasir dier putih n laut dier ok skit la..takat nak mandi2 tuh leh lg..kalo scuba diving tuh, gatai nama nyer sbb situ cetek n tak der batu karang pun..
mandi itu bukan satu kewajipan, ikut suka masing2 la kalo nak mandi ke taknak..tp ari tuh, sumer bwk bekal masing2..ader meehoo, ngan nasi goreng...kalo korg rajin..leh la wat bbq kat situ..
aktiviti yg kitaorg wat time tuh, men bola tampar pantai, boling kelapa ngan main tanam2 org...
ini satu cadangan jer..tp kalo 30 april tuh..aku cam takleh jer..leh cadang ari lain tak..sbb aku ader plan time tuh..
-gajah chan- - At 12:12 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
untuk gajah:
1. ..aku ader satu pantai bes kat PD..
hebat ko.. freescale bayar ko bape sampai ko boleh ade aset berupa pantai yang bes di PD
2. ini satu cadangan jer..tp kalo 30 april tuh..aku cam takleh jer..leh cadang ari lain tak..sbb aku ader plan time tuh..
ko de plan pe? balik kampung ke? tarikh tu sean cadangkan sebab cuti panjang.. pandai sean tgk calender..
aku sokong mok.. kalo nak g genting.. men roller2 coaster.. mcm pergi times square kot.. cume timesquare tu sejuk dek aircon.. hmm.. aaaa... cadang cadang! - At 12:28 PM, MK said...
seb baik ko dok jauh en a..tidak aku lempang je ko trus..aku patah2kan psp ko k gak..bengong tul..dh la elaun aku ikot etenden..cuti seminggu tinggal 400 je elaun..cis..
::end of spam::
kite pegi jer tmpt2 cam gajah ckp tuh..leh buat byk aktiviti..elakkan la tmpt2 cam genting tuh..limited sgt aktiviti... :D..better freekan la calendar korang masa date tuh..kalo ade dating ke ape ke kalo leh kensel la ek..kalo nk balik kampung ke ape ke tk dapek aa nk nolong..:(... - At 1:02 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
mok.. comment enchik A tu amat ironi.. aku dapat tangkap satu maksud yang maybe secara tak sengaja diselitkan. cube ko fahamkan dari awal comment enchik A sampai penghujungnya. aku pon tatau aku tangkap muat maksud camtu...pengajaran buat kite semue...
- At 2:00 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
your 'no komen' is considered as a comment in this case.
- At 2:16 PM, MK said...
aku malas nk tngkp dan aku malas nk bc balik komen tuh..aku bkn jenis org paham mende2 selitan nih..stret forward je...
- At 3:07 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
kamon2 perlukan sore2 pihak pompuan, takat zhu sorg je, x pat la wahahha, kang plan2 gath last2 jd cam bachelor party jer, baik lepak mapley isap shisha jer wahuwahwua(psst usj2 ade shisha, sape mau isap sound aku, kiter ronggeng).
but seriously kalo gi genting ngan group >10, kompem pecah2 nyer, lain la kiter ikut tour guide. kang last2 dak2 pompuan ntah mana hilang; dak laki masih enjoy. beach can be nice, mandi atau tak ikut suke la, bbq or picnic ikut kerajinan, ckp vacation/gath beb no need to tension urself.
lg skali diulang, feedback dr kaum hawa amat diperlukan sbb.....korg mmg leceh nak ckp camne, ye tak? haha( mok cukup direct tak aku?)
::off topic::
haha en a ko mmg pantek, gi sipadan, baik gi pangkor jer, tdo kat teluk batek wahuwahwuahw
-jep- - At 3:09 PM, said...
ciss..aku ler yg cadang 30hb!! (nak gk recognition tuh :p)
gomok : ehehe..watery place tuh takde maksud tersirat. aku cume quote+translate komen gajah "kalau boleh carik tempat yg dekat dgn air..bole main air" something like that aa gajah kata..no ecchi :p /me inesen
okes..PD diupdate ke dlm post.. - At 3:44 PM, MK said...
::off topic gile::
haha..n1 jep..stret to da point..ala adek..aku igt ko ade sbb pasal pilih 'watery place' tuh..hehehehe..nnt pegi pantai jumpe toyol lam botol..mampos..kite suh en a bela..
::suke off topic:: - At 4:27 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
enchik a nak cari toyol kat sipadan... die memang dah lama teringin... tu pasal die propose kat sana.. nak gi sorang2 die segan.. tu die ajak kite sume.. miahahhaha.. btw aku rase kalo buat kat sg. congkak.. n dat is a KALAU... n kalo parents aku de kat rumah.. shuld be leh kot buat makan sikit2.. tapi aku tau korang sume napsu kude...sure tak cukup nye...
- At 4:51 PM, kakak said...
ahhaahha..mane nyer jamie,intang,arina dll? hahaha..nanti blk zhu tlg promote kat dak2 umah..girls len bz kot...lec visit rasenyer...kalo wat gath kali ni,kena ade masak2 lg ke?
- At 8:17 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
::sesi spam n offtopic di pg ari::
...aku xigt nak tulis ape...
::sesi spam berakhir!!::
-jep- - At 8:57 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
hmmm ape kata kiter pi men bowling wahahha, lama x men bowling rasa cam dah bodo je skrg nih hahah, kamon xkan ade org yg xmo men bowling kot??? ni la idea plg fit tuk boys n girls.....sbb idea aku yg len cam x sesuai tuk sumer org.....yela xkan nak ajak korang lepak mapley, isap shisha+tgk bola kot wahahha
-jep- - At 9:50 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
bowling wowowowow bowling. kire kite buat program Gathering kuar ramai2 di kota kuala lumpur. Ok gak. yes KLCC will not be shortlisted as a destination.
haish... aku masih teruja dengan post sean yg seterusnya. nape teringat kat ms nazleeni ni... - At 10:50 AM, MK said...
huhu..dh tiap2 hari dtg klcc aaa..pastu nk gath kat cnie lagi??..muntah la dak2 yg keje kt cnie..huhu..aku rs midvalley la tmpt sng pn kalo nk buat men boling, mkn2..ade mph..leh baca komik free kan en a kan?... :P
cadangan en a ade gk org paham..aku tk phm.. - At 11:59 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
aku sokong sumer cadangan korg tuh..korg plan, aku follow jer..siap kan plan yg sebaik nyer..aku tak mau ader yg tiba2 ader prob last2 minit nih..nanti ilang lak mood aku nak hepi~
bes gak kalo men bowling tuh..aku dah la tak reti sgt..takat baling tuh bole la..kalo la ader point yg dikira kalo bola msk longkang tuh..sure aku dpt markah tinggi nyer..hehe~
-gajah chan- - At 12:25 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
whahaha rev party, cambest tp 'cukai pintu' kompem mahal hahahha, len ar ko soh mok jd bouncer leh dier seludup kiter masuk hahahah. ape kah cadangan2 dr org2 pompuan, mana tau korang ade idea lg best drpd kitorang. idea bowling tu dtg secara tetiba jer sbb aku terasa nak men bowling ahahaha. ala x yah le 10 frame 2 frame je dah ckp lama kalo 5 org kongsi satu lane waakakkak.
dpt la dlm 1 jam lebih skit, pastu tambah gelak2 lg, first frame score mesti lemau2 jer haha, sesi memanaskan tgn ahaha. mok aku nak tgk hang nyer spin yg kejap2 je jd tu LOL
-jep- - At 12:28 PM, said...
okes...suggestions update. utp, bowling, midvalley, no klcc.
some insights from me :
UTP : skang nih kita bkn kat utp, nk wat kat utp mcm nice, cuma..camne nk mintak kebenaran tuh? kita dah kat lua, aku rasa nk msk utp sng kot..cuma nk mintak wat bbq lg tuh..(dlu sape yg mintak aa?? macha ekk?)
midvalley : midvalley cam ok, tp not its bowling. bowling die mmg cam disko. gelap, lampu kaler2, ramai org, muzik kuat,tmpt duduk payah. kalo nk wat gk bole, tp aku rasa better kalo carik satu tmpt bowling yg maybe kite leh tempah satu ari ke stgh ari ke..meaning kita reserved dlu (in that case we need confirmation bape ramai yg nk gi). so kalo camtuh nk duduk pn sng.
PD : pn cambes, gajah tau jalan, tp kalo wiken camtuh, agak2 jem or ramai org tak? need more plan with this one, nk tido situ (carik chalet) ke nk gi blk ari jer ke camne? gajah, anymore info? gjh leh tlg carik info sket2 psl kat situ tak??
Sg Congkak : aku tak penah gi, so aku tatau sgt insight kat situ. ade ruang yg mcm besa tak utk duduk makan ramai2? ke tmpt camtuh susah nk carik tmpt duduk psl org ramai sgt? ke tmpt tu ade insiden lubuk tupah gk? :p enol? more info?
Genting : lg cambes! tp mcm jep ckp aa..takut pecah2. maybe leh wat gak, kalo tido situ kot. pagi2 pegi la enjoy pada dak laki, dak pompuan gi la carik tmpt2 romantik or something utk amek gamba ke ape ke. then malam kite duk dinner ramai2, borak2, kalo kat situ ade sediakan service bbq lg cambes. hohohoho!!! tp duit kene sedia dlu aa awal2. sape2 ade info package2 kat genting?tlg bg ekk..smbl2 aku try carik.
another point : aku kalo leh nk gk yg luar dr kl supaya leh join skali. cam zulbo dgn jamie, kamal, dy, chemun, dll2 (sori kalo tak sebut sume). des y aku cadangkan yg wiken die cm panjang sket. but then i need more date for suggestion. kamon2!~!~ jme mana jme??
keep the suggestion going!! open up for a week or more sblm aku wat post len mengenai info2 tmpt2 suggestion dan mana satu yg nk vote. next...its vote time!!! - At 1:00 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
aku cadangkan ada orang yg lead buat bende ni. kalau cadangan nye je banyak tapi tadek executers.. cadangan diterima je laa jawabnye tapi takdek penyelesaiannya
/me tarik diri dari jadi main-head. - At 2:15 PM, said...
lek2 enol..bole nk jadik main-head kalo ade support. aku bole jer nk jadik head mende2 camnih. tp nk kene ade support aa..lgpun aku bab2 idea nih aku blur2 sket. so bg suggestion, n then aku try carik2 info, n then br plan nk execute camner rupe.
aku bukak suggestion nih dlm minggu neh smpi minggu depan, at least sume org tau. tlg sampai2kan ye.mekasih. - At 2:52 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
well we need other voices than the regular ones, kasi feedback skit br nmpk prob n leh take into consideration. bg aku kalo nak bermlm meaning nak tdo dekat2 ngan location, lepak pantai le yg best as kite ade masa tuk geng2 kiter n ade masa tuk berkumpul n chat. everyone ade time yg bebas. but if its a one day only so better cr tmpt yg leh bergembira then blk, yup mid bowl kekadang cramp, byk2 bowling alley yg x cramp kat ampang point, tp tmpt dier lighting x brape elok but theres enough space for everyone, anyone got other places to suggest?
cmon2 we itis stud here our prob solving n critical thinking is way beyond eng stud.
adek: ring me if u want any support
-jep- - At 4:36 PM, said...
syabas en A!!! akhirnya ade gk idea bernas ko...hoho..siap dgn cara jalan. nice2~!~
jep : no worry..ABSOLUTELY i'll give you a call. - At 4:37 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
::pls spam here, dont exceed 30 letters::
LOL idea bernas en a, bole tahan LOL
-jep- - At 4:48 PM, MK said...
Quote from en_A
"Cadangan seterusnya x akan datang dari aku kerana pasti tidak akan diterima."
ni bukan en a....en a tk prnh bg idea bernas..tgk quote atas.. - At 5:21 PM, kakak said...
ayark..mau men boling ke?haih...camtu zhu nk join group gajah la..kire sape terer baling bola masuk longkang...sbb sejarah aku men boling penah dabel hatrix berturut-turut masuk longkang... =(
tepi pntai best gak..misti memasing byk story nk borak... - At 9:10 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
IMPORTANT!!SPAM king position up for grabs!!
seperti anda lihat di atas, sean tgh bertanding tuk jd spam king,
masih xde pencabar terdekat, sesape nak bertnding xperlu reg fees, tekan je submit button tu ahahah - At 9:28 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
sean contender for the spam king position
how to vote:
type SPAMUNDI SEAN and send to 31750 - At 9:44 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
spam king??aper tu??beger king kah??
muahahahhaa - At 9:45 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
spam king??aper tu??beger king kah??
muahahahhaa - At 9:45 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
spam king??aper tu??beger king kah??
muahahahhaa - At 9:46 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
spam king??aper tu??beger king kah??
muahahahhaa - At 9:55 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
another spam king contestant... so anonymously unknown...
- At 10:20 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
hmm anonymous but i have a good idea who the author is
-jep- - At 11:17 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
me too jep.. me too :)
- At 1:20 PM, said...
okes2..sementara korg wat undi utk king and queen of the spam..aku rasa antara idea yg diterima ramai adelah bowling dan bbq di tepi pantai/watery place (omg i love that phrase :p) so lpas nih tunggu info2 kat mana tmpt sesuai..dan DATE!!! tlg ler suggest kan date lak..huhu..
- At 1:31 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
owh yeah, i like to watch those *wiyu-wiyu* and those *wiyu-wiyu*...what the *wiyu-wiyu* owh *wiyu-wiyu*!! hey who turn on the *wiyu-wiyu* word filter?? *wiyu-wiyu* man
pandai2 la korang subtitute benda2 yg dicensored kan wahuwhwau
HAIL SPAM KING SEANNIE!!!! I BOH SONG UU wahahhahah - At 2:13 PM, kakak said...
//this is another spam
sengal tul abg jep...
//end of spam