Saturday, March 04, 2006

Ni pulak cite aku kat freescale (essay versi cite naruto)
The ACS village (My opis)
A young man wearing blue jacket with white stripes was walking towards a big solid black door. He took something out from his pocket and swipe it at a scanner device. Within less than 0.5 second, the red light on the scanner device turned green. He pushed the black door with 30% of his morning energy. Cool dried breeze slapping his face as he entered the space filled with square boxes that contain peoples inside it. He walked toward his box. He took time to look at the peoples. There was a man in his own special place busy doing something with a special box. His eye never move from the special box. His hand was moving fast. Pressing each alphabetical button without even looking at it. The young man looked at his left. There was an empty chair without anybody sitting on it. The chair belongs to the young man sensei's. He had expected that. His sensei always come late, just like the Kakashi (I think all of u know kakashi right???? : P).
The Training Arena (Cubical Aku)
The young man just got promoted from genin to chuunin. Now he had been given a device; far better than he once had. Now it had 512 RAM with 20G HD device that will help him doing his mission. This is the best weapon a chuunin can get. (Before this, he only got 5G HD and 256 RAM). Beside him was a chunin girl that come from mix bloodline(I think so). There was also another girl but she is now a Jounin. She has joined the village.
Training Routine
Each morning at 8.15 am, he will open his computer. Checking the latest information from Utusan Online and Berita Harian. Then he will check 3 email account for the latest information or mission and surf the net for almost an hour. His training will only start only after he had his breakfast.
After breakfast he will have serious training. He will open M3S application and trains to code. Now he is training to sharpen his VB6 skill and Oracle skill. With the help from a frog name TOAD, he is gaining speed in learning the Oracle.
After lunch, he went to surau to have some rest. Sometimes it is 10 minute, sometimes 30 minute; depending on how much time he'd spend on lunch.
He will return from training depending on his sensei. If his sensei need him to stay he will stay. But usually his sensei is busy with his own mission. Or………he'd just slip away from him using his jutsu…(hehehhehee).
The Team Member
Actually the team consist of 5 members. 2 Chuunin, 2 Jounin and a Sensei. But now the team only consist 2 members, the young man and his sensei. The other chuunin had to return to their UTP village because she has finished her training period. One of the Jounin continues his training fulltime at other ninja school (Before this he was only doing a part-training in Freescale Ninja Academy as temporary contractor). The other Jounin has been transfered to other team that need her expertise (She is a Database Specialist). The team has lost 2 talented Jounin (a Database specialist and VB .net Specialist).
Mission:: XYR Management System.(latest project)
The young man was assigned with XYR Management System Mission. He will work with other country's ninjas, such as the Dragon Country - China. The mission need to be completed by the end of April. With limited human power and users that keep changing their requirement's really gives pressures to the Freescale ninja. This pressures has become worst when the young man had to communicate and cooperate with Dragon Country ninja who do not communicate well with their poor English (huh……… ).
posted by Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 @ 8:12 AM,
- At 10:26 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
adakah english sumorang jadi cam haram sejak prektikel nih? patutnye jadi makin elok.. demmit sungguh.. baek aku prektis cakap BI ngan kak leeni walaupun kadang2 die gelabah2.. hohoho~
- At 10:11 AM, said...
this post really need some editing..
aku tak percaya english bullah...membuatkan aku konpuse dgn ayat2nya.. -_-" - At 3:24 PM, kakak said...
ayark..bullah semakin sengal...makin menjadi2 lak skrg.. kuar ayat bombastik gle ar...
- At 4:09 PM, said...
mmg bombastik..smpi aku rasa nk takleh paham weihh BI ko!!!
- At 4:55 PM, said...
dah..aku da edit. leh la paham sket2. huhuh..
- At 7:18 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
erkk jgn le edit post org, kasi le tuan empunyer edit sendiri, kecik ati kang susah lak. keep the post to its owner
-jep- - At 8:35 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
bkn ape, ni nnt leh jd bahan nak gelakkan bullah, n in the end bullah pon akan stat gelak kan org gak, pastu bullah jd jht wahuwhauwhau...time tu tercapai la cite2 aku nak ajar bullah jd jht.........bullah jd jht tau wahwhahwahwa
-pengerusi kelab serangga perosak- - At 3:28 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
aku pun nak jadi kan bullah seorg yg jahat juga..itu azam aku masa internship nih..kita mesti lakukan perubahan mengikut masa ini..maka, masuklah kelab kami utk merosakkan bullah dan mana2 org lain yg nampak baik jer..
-naib pengerusi kelab serangga perosak- - At 9:08 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
aku budak baik. miahahahhaaha
- At 12:12 PM, said...
siao korg. cian sama bullah. ternoda die.