Tuesday, February 28, 2006
hmm..posting nih bukan utk apa..cuma nk memberitahu siapakah yg mempunyai access admin dlm blog nih. psl login utk itisjan03 username dah menjadi public, so untuk mengelakkan certain settings terubah secara sengaja or tak sengaja(mcm browser wat giler, then tetibe die defaultkan sume..), aku merevoke blk kuasa sesetengah user so that no access to the administrative site.
so admin2 anda ialah :
[re-arrange] : Setting administrator.
paceek : Template administrator.
Ainul : Member administrator.
adek akan setting sume skali, meaning anything on how the web work, how the comments will appear etc2. pakcik lak akan control template, so anything that anybody want to design or have idea can give it direct to pakcik. and for member invitation for contribution, enol akan control. (mintak access kat enol pasnih kalo ade account blogger, nnt enol leh addkan as contributor.)
There's a lot of differences between administrator and contributor. Contributor can only do posting, meaning anybody that has been add as contributor can post and edit post. (This includes the account for itisjan03 yg korg gune).
Administrator have full access. Meaning he can set the web, change template, etc2 apart from posting. So don't worry about the settings, we'll do it. :p
Any ideas or comments can be posted on the comment column below :p
Thank you.

posted by Anonymous @ 4:28 PM,