Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Title : WebSphere Application Server version 6 - Architechture, Installation and Configuration.
Time : Wednesday, 22nd February 2006, 1500 till 1700 hrs.
Venue : Plaza IBM, 10th Floor, Room 1001.
Description : IBM WebSphere's product, named WebSphere Application Server (WAS) version 6 is an application server that can host or run J2EE application, specifically for business logic. For more information click here
miahaha..sesi kencheng mengencheng~ lama tak wat. last mangsa aku kenchheng2 presentation nih adalah miss nazleeni tersyg :p ~
adekah aku akan berjaya mengencheng2?? doakanlah aku kawan2~~
p/s : sape2 yg nk tambah komen..klik jer kat link comment bwh post yg korg nk comment tuh, n then login. kalo korg ade ID blogger sindri, gune la sindri punye. kalo takde,login je yg internship nih, then dlm post comment korg letak la nama ye. takde aku tertanya2 sape le yg post nih. aku akan edit comment tuh bg kuar popup..sng sket..nnt aku carik setting die.
aa lagi satu..kalo korg edit post org len tuh..tulis ler skali nama korg..tau gk sape yg edit. Cth spt nih :
Edited : typo error - [re-arrange] aka adek
that's all for now..fuhh..tarik napas..

posted by Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 @ 11:20 AM,
- At 4:28 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
cess.... rase terhina plak biler ramai2 aja cara nk komen =p hehe...aku tau..saje2 buat x tau.. =p (ego aku nih..hihi)
so tq kepada encik adek, amin, dan zamani >_<
-jamieriena@ulat_beluncas@kura2ijau- - At 6:54 PM, MK said...
ala adek..ko jgn riso la pasal ngencing mengencing neyh..sape lagi la lam team kite kalo bukan ang..heh heh heh...dari jale hingga nazleeni..dari IP hingga OOP..sume men blasah jer..pas jugak skang ni jgn la ngencing cam kite kt utp ni adek..bukan splendid sentiasa menyokongmu!~..