Thursday, March 23, 2006
23 march 2006
hihu...dh dkt separuh usia pektikel nih dh berlalu...lg separuh nk kene lalui...tetibe aku rase diri aku nih kecik je..tetibe rase cm busdus tatau pape...ngaaa...apekah???
btul la kut pe yg korg ckp tuh..BIS nih more to analyst...n no doubt course kite nih cm sentuh sume kekadang aku rase, sentuhnyer surface2 byk je yg kite x really tau.....4 example, dak2 BIS...core dbase pon je dh blaja Advance Dbase, tp bile aku tgk dak2 kt sini (KUTKM) nih wat Dbase dasat giler...IIS laa ape laa...SQL Server Managers Enterprise...connect ngn server itu la ini laa...hihu.....aku nk tnye dak2 BIS nih...tau dok cmne nk gune Dbase selain tulih coding giler cm yg slalu kene wat tuh~...ahahaha...tatau la kalu korg tau..salah aku la kut kalu aku tatau....
yg mnjadi masalah n sedeyh nyer tuh, makhluk3 kt sini, x byk yg rajin nk membantu,,,so kureng la dpt nk blaja kn....hihu....malang la naseb aku sbb aku yg pilih tmpt nih kan...~ hihu.. :(
at dis moment...aku rs isau sgt...tetibe aku rase cm idup aku ni salah hala tuju je...silap ke course yg aku venture aku ni yg bodoh sgt smpai mnde simple pon xleh wat...really rase terkapai2 ar....tatau fyp nnt nk wtpe...kalu grad nnt nk keje pe...bleh ke keje pe sume....really guys....busdus kah aku......
-pari_pari lemas- :(

posted by Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 @ 12:05 PM,
- At 12:30 PM, nuriena said...
ngaaaa.... aku pn ade te pk gak dowh.. agak sadis rr bile pk kite nye future. aku pn cm blur2 lg ape la BIS buat sbenar nye. huhu.. same nasib ghupenye ko ngn aku ek.. huhu.. lek2.. kite tgk dak BIS yg len..huhu.. (aku bkn nk bg idea tp aku pn nk join tanye..) haha
- At 12:55 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
weh, korg jgn la down pasal future..kita kena hadapi gak walau mcm mane pun..jln tu ader, cumer perlu kita usaha jer utk maju kehadapan..mmg la sumer org ader prob x kesah la time prektikel ke time study..sama jer sumer yg takder problem nih, org giler jer..aku usha kat jobstreet tuh, byk jer peluang pekerjaan jer..yg membezakan ialah usaha kita utk maju jer..
jgn asik duk pikir yg kita bodoh sgt..aku pun tension gak, wat project sorg2 kat dept eng lak tuh..takder tempat nak bertanya, jep pun bz gak ngan seber dier..berharap 100% ngan tenet aku pun x reti sgt bab web base nih, so kena stdi sorg2 la gaya nyer..aku rasa sumer org yg prektikel pun cam aku gak..jgn igt ko sorg jer, kami disini sumer meghadapi benda yg sama..time nih la kita nak menimba ilmu, sbb kat utp tuh kasi surface jer..yg core ader kat tempat keje, tu pasal skrg nih company byk amik org yg ader exprience utk bekerja ngan diorg..amik peluang nih utk jadi org yg lebih berguna..
itu la kata2 nasihat aku..amik la sbgi panduan pabila diri mu sesat di dlm kotaraya yg penuh pancaroba ini..
-gajah chan- - At 1:00 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
huhu...aku memahami sume ssh kn nk meet expectation org nih..nak2 plak kite ni bwk name utp...adussss....semak dowhhh pale....tgh berusahe mncari coding nih...mntak tlg tnye kt sape2 kt opis nih cm tnye dinding je...leh lak gelak2,,,mmg down gilerr ar...rase cm dorg gelakkn,,,rase nk sipak jee....hihu....aku tatau, dats y la aku tnye kn...kalu aku tau, xde la aku tnye...btul dok..?? cipansiuttzinusss tul llaaa~
-pari_pariSakuri- - At 1:09 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
more or less i agree wif paceek... mmg kurikulum yg disediakan dlm utp ni untuk dak2 it/s is to meet petronas expectation, so dont blame utp if we dont get what we expect what we had to learn? sape suh masuk utp awal2 dulu... g laa masuk usm.. hehehe
anyway... kite at the early part, everything seems so hard. aku yakin bende ni akan berulang lagi masa kite first2 kerje.. agak2 kite masuk kerje nnt, betul2 dpt ape yg kite blaja ke? skrg ni pon.. adek kne buat websphere (kejadah tuh?) aku di introkan kepada AMOS (huh?) paceek ngan amin lak dapat ape nama OS yg konon2 jahanam tuh? lupe lak namanya...
kalau u opt to be in the technical part (programming, db admin, etc) then u got to put bundles of effort on own reading.. but to be honest business analyst r the ones who make money. programmer tu buat je ape yg business analyst suh.. hohho~ so lucky for us to have quite some exposure to those fields of analysing.. which we did hate in Michelle Beh nye subject (pe nama ek.. S sumthing) n also Software Engineering. want or not telan sampai kenyang dan buncet.
Anyway... semalam aku lunch ngan manager aku.. die cakap... "belajar kat universiti tu.. sikit sangat. boleh kata tak gune sangat pon bile dah kerje. Yg betul2 penting is experience and own skills.." bende2 ni semua didevelop in our 1st 6 yrs of working. So be patient. Aku rase aku sendiri pon blajar skrg ni for the sake of having a degree. (toksah laa tiru aku.. aku bukannye contoh yg terbaik), but what is important is the way we strive to get work after graduation, and how well we perform, excell and adapt when we work. It takes efforts, hardwork and sacrifices to be at the top level.
Owh, do u think IT managers in companies do well in their programming? (exclude laa all those bill gates, allen smith what so ever). Ingat kan time kite belajar CPM dulu.. project managers tak semestinye ade technology skills, the knowledge is sufficient, what matters is their management skills.
Sekian pendapat saya yang sekadar merepek selepas berjalan-jalan turun naik di tangga2 MISC. - At 1:15 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
well its true u know, ape yg pakcik ckp tu btol, in it kiter xle harap org akan ajar smp katam, they will only give u a kick start. kiter ade edge although kiter x pro dlm sumer but we know everything, sebut la ape, atleast we know how it works, and how the architechture. its a big advantage cos kiter xkan buang byk masa nak paham kana benda br kiter just perlu amik tau camne nak guna je.
absolutely anything in it kene blaja sendiri, its a world with no boundaries, mula camni esok2 kang dah lain. its a fast pace race. heck like i know everything, but i know something, although the surface it'll give u some credits in the future. baik ckp>> "saya tau C, C++, java,, CG, mysql, oracle, html, javascript, php, xml, css, flash animation, graphic design, web building, net maintaining and hardware troubleshoot, tp saya ade byk experience kat php jer yg len saya xde experience yg mendalam, but i know the basics", drpd >>"saya power dlm php je", then bile di tny pasal benda common dlm it field ko tercengang, nak yg ner? yg cover byk basic ke atau yg satu jer?
lg satu ni reality dlm it ler, they need multi tasking people, org yg leh wat macam2, they would rather hire a single person that can do everything then hire 10 people to do a single job each.
point aku kat sini, although kiter ni xde course tuk specialization, but kiter ade basic, thats what important, bile dah ade basic nak specialize dlm ape2 pon bole, and its up to you to choose and no one else. if you want to go into databse, then go to database, like me i like programming n graphics, so aku power kan kat situ jer.
lg satu fact.....bile ade org tny aku n pakcik soklan bout prog la katakan, sebenar nyer kekadang kitorang pon x tau jawapan yg btol, tp dgn the basic yg ade kitorang leh carik info kat tenet then kasi jawapan. believe it.
just my 2 cents
-jep- - At 1:23 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
haha..and guess what? Bill Gates is Harvard Law School dropouts..xder kaetan pun ngan tech nih..haha..all benda business neh..dier blaja pun dier blaja sendirik..altho hakikatnya dier mmg anak org kaya and his father has a business empire time the facts is..jgn depends sgt kat kurikulum.. jgn berharap sgt ngan degree leh dapat kejer.. usaha tu yg counts..
-kata2x dari org yg berharap usaha dier membuahkan hasil- - At 1:55 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
ahha kalo google bangkrup, gi pi la yahoo, "yahoo! people", ahahha
-jep- - At 1:59 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
sile sile spam~ huhuhu
- At 2:19 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
lg satu ni reality dlm it ler, they need multi tasking people, org yg leh wat macam2, they would rather hire a single person that can do everything then hire 10 people to do a single job each
Semalam masa aku lunch ngan manager aku.. die ade cakap gak...
"kalo cam nak experience betul2.. better earlier part work in small companies.. bcoz small companies usually they do everything... then kalo dah 6-10 tahun kerje n u feel like wanna change ur job, ur resume dah quite mantap valuenye and marketable.. macam aku nih.. 12 tahun kerje kat MISC (consider MISC as a big company).. buat AMOS je.. kampeni lain mane pakai AMOS!!..."
be the one u choose to be - At 5:03 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
hm...da msk iPerintis baru aku tau yg ape yg aku blaja kt utp sgtla sket...semua teori..kt cni barula aku dpt blaja asp,oracle dgn aku rs sbb tula utp anta kite g praktikal sbb nak blaja bende2 yg kite xleh dpt dr utp..rite?blaja deal ngan bos pon ade gak pentingnya..sbb bos aku ni plik..baik+jahat..ikut aku rs praktikal kt cni byk bwk manfaat janji ade projekla~if xde keje cm awal2 dlu mmg la sgt boring~~currently aku kene maintain 1 system made by kakak prak sem lps and new system...aku da makin selesa kt cni..everything goes well...
~menunggu kehadiran nordin 30th March 2006~ - At 9:17 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
hihu...aku xde la senasib, tp opinion aku ar...ko present je ar aktiviti ko spanjang pektikel tuh kut...agipon, yg nk di pesent tu nnt ape yg d letak dlm final report kan....correct me if i'm wrong..~ hihu
-pari_pari- - At 10:25 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
aritu tny eliza, dier ckp present pasal company pastu ape yg ko dah wat sepanjang internship secara brief, then amik satu yg ko rasa ko leh explain dgn lg detail. after dat lesson yg learn during intern.
aku nmpk org muka cam eliza sebijik kat sini wahuahuahua. lawa doh, dah le ketat2 muahahhaha
-jep- - At 10:37 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
jep mengembalikan fantasiku pada pagi jumaat.. demmit ko jep
- At 10:52 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
miahah fantasi musim eliza miahhahaha. aku still x dpt lg nama dier, dier pki tag terbalik ciss
-jep- - At 11:01 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
name dier..elize mazmee ape tah eliza laen yg korg maksudkn,,,ngaaa~
-paru_paru- :P - At 11:04 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
tetibe aku terpk...aku mmg t'salah org...maap termenyampuk...kuikuikui...ahahahakkk
-paruParu- - At 11:18 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
eliza mazmee la yg sdg hangat diperkatakan skrg hahahah
-jep- - At 2:49 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
-jep- - At 3:19 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
Enchik A
Your words are quite true!!!
Tapi aku tamo bukak kampeni jual2.. tak redi lg nak buat camtu.. hahaha aku mau bekeje utk kampeni.. tak larat aa nak ade kampeni sendiri.. kalo ade.. barangkali aku tak kawen kot... mcm norman... smpi skrg tak kawen2 sbb kene handle kampeni sendiri.. ho ho ho~ - At 3:22 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
en a kalo aku bukak company aku nka letak ko dlm sales hahahhah. ko hebat skit pengaruh org soh bli brg wahahhaha
-jep- - At 4:48 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
en a kalo aku bukak company aku nka letak ko dlm sales hahahhah. ko hebat skit pengaruh org soh bli brg wahahhaha
post lama.. aku nak comment..
enchik a berjaya promote grafik kad die ngan die nye ram kat akuh.. camner ntah aku leh terpengaruh nak beli.. bukan tuh jerk.. die siap leh pengaruh bob beli speaker die yg kayu tuh.. last2 bob beli tapi tak pakai pon..
enchik a.. ko mmg patut cari kerje promoter2 aaa...