Friday, March 24, 2006
This morning I was summoned by my project manager, Fiza to recap on yesterday's 'meeting.' Oh yes, we had a meeting, which was meant to be a 'discussion' in the first place. Owh.. let me put the words properly.
I'm still in the IPCC project and we had a meeting with our vendors from FCS who will be preparing the call billing system. We were expecting our vendors to be presenting perhaps their reports or proposing some justified reports which could suit our business needs.
The meeting was postponed 30 minutes due to the hecticness of the Service Desk.. Fiza and I went to level 17 and entered meeting room 5. Wesley, the project manager from VADS was already there, along with 2 Indian FCS's, (couldnt remember their names) and believe me... the 1st fella was just bringing along a testpad to write down things while the 2nd fella was bringing his ass. ok laa.. No power point slide, no laptop, no printed materials etc. Just eye to eye.
The discussion started, we expected them to present something so that could decide and think, but instead, they said they wanted to know what do we want. What the hell? Nobody among us are familiar with call billing systems for company and they want to request for feedback without even bringing any samples(owh b4 dat they did give us FIFTY sample reports.. yeahh.. its like u have ur handphone bill, in various displays.. a thick FIFTY reports, as if we have time to go through and understand all those reports). and guess what? they even 'borrowed' our reports to show on some samples.
The 'meeting' was such useless, no point of getting anything out of it. Fiza and I was so upset and probably the worst meeting ever.
So today, after Fiza updated our manager En Zainal on yesterday's meeting, he also was unsatisfied with the unprofesionalism of this vendors. An email was proposed to be sent to show our dissatisfaction. The thingy thing is that they were not prepared for the meeting, and the way they treated us yesterday was as if we are the ones who are at the wrong side and should be blamed for not reading the reports. Duhh..
Cut the crap. Coming back to yesterday's situation, I felt defenceless. and I felt that I was falling to their side, and was starting to feel that it was our fault not to review those reports. But after having Fiza's thought's, we were like 'kene pijak kepala'. Anyway, where was my defensive skills and counter attacking others? as if i havent had that skills which I used to master before. I know that I still have the hard headedness and also the point of standing still on my firm, but at times these traits seems missing....
I had lunch with my manager En Yazam yesterday. Alongside lunch, he told his experience in a management forum where he was rated as an introvert, who prefers working with machines. The coordinator of the forum was surprised and advised him that managers should behave and will to have working with people. He also told about strong characteristics needed to push yourself high to the top. The most essential is standing still on your stand and never let others fall you down. He gave an example:
"Alisa (our GM) tu.. vendor keluar meeting semua geleng kepala.. takleh nak lawan die..."
and yeap... most staffs, managers, and also my SM are quite nevrous when facing her. Not that she is fierce, she is very kind, but in the same time they are afraid of not able to answer her questions, which usually they do fail! Eventhough you had been preparing your scripts of questions and answers to face her, there must be a single question left where she uses that hole to shoot you down. En Yazam added
"kalau ngko ade skill tuh.. cerah masa depan ko..."
In my debates era in school before, my captain Fatah used to blame me for rebutting without any substances. He wanted me to fight "fact with fact." And wallah, dats what En Yazam said, you need to have strong facts and strong knowledge on the area that which you are to present and to protect.
I do wish I have those strong skills, have those convincing skills, and also iron willed, I think I still have the desire and fire within me, just needing a spark plague to start it up and burn the spirit flaming!
Owh, as for the FCS vendors, we will be having another meeting, this time we had stated all our expectations and what we want to see on this meeting, a much specified agenda and hopefully a better result. Fiza also warned me that I should also have my say and sound them if they lack and do not meet our requirements and expectations. Fiza and I will start playing the rough game when this time comes.
Ah, all this expectations remind me of Dr Abas!

posted by Ainul Hafiz @ 10:20 PM,
- At 2:09 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
eye for an eye, gun for a gun
kasi la satu comment sian lak tgk 4 ari xde sebarang respon hahahha
-jep- - At 3:46 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
I consider this post as an absolutely maverick post since nobody seems to comment on, thus shows agreement from all.
- At 8:31 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
erm.. tumpang tanye.. flare tuh ape?
- At 11:25 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
flare nama company consultant, dier ade wat web n grafic design tuk company2 besar. aku penah dtg ofis derang, >10 people jer