Thursday, March 30, 2006
My day starts happily today. No traffic jam, not much emails to be created as service requests, yet still I got something to do. Yesterday 4 sizing's requests are still not evaluated yet, and I still don't start working on the rPerf part of the sizing. Apart from that, the pSeries LPAR, virtualization and IVM installation is still not completed, and also Marlinda's configuration for her xSeries server. Not to forget my WebSphere Application Server skills transfer which I haven't really worked upon because of the stupid version of JRE installed.
Yet I still enjoyed my lunch happily with the collegues at Secret Recipe, and it seemed like nothing can happened to ruin my day. Also, congratulations to Abu as he and his debate team has won the inter-University debate competition. Happy rite?
The sun doesn't last long. Rain started to pour heavily out there after my lunch, and the same thing also happened to my screen, which had been flooded with the same-fuckin-forwarded-spam messages. Damn it. "Forward this message to all your friends, and see how much you get back. If you got 7, you're lovable." "1 April merupakan sambutan org kristian bla2...". "I don't want to be a bad friend, so here I am to say hi to you". WHAT THE FUCK??? Luckily I've enabled the Windows grouping function, so I just click Windows button + D and it all minimized. Then I closed it. ALL. FOR MY OWN SAKE.
I continued my work and seemed really enjoying it, when suddenly, another YM pop-ups came out with a link. GODDAMNIT! I'M DOING MY SIZING HERE YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!. Alright cool adek, maybe it's a good link. "" damn. I can guess where the URL lead me. The news of UTP Debate team winning the competition. I check who the sender was. It was Abu himself?? Was he trying to tell me about the news that I already know, or was he trying to boast around and broke the nettiquette (which supposely being practised especially by all IT practitioners, most importantly ones that learnt what IT and virtual world is all about)???
WHAT THE HELL. I changed my YM status : "Bangsatlah kepada sesapa yang suka memforward spam message. Tak kire la msg ko menang ape2 ke, msg2 fren ke lancau ke, msg "tak forward ko mati" ke, msg ceramah agama ke, AKU TAK SUKE!! Pk la aku bz wat keje. BABI TOL". End of story, nothing else appeared. After an hour or two, I checked my YM, and there..Ron supported me with status something like "aku sokong ko adek! bodoh tol sape yg forward2 msg ni". Thanks ron.
Now peoples, not all of us like what you've done, especially when it comes to spam and forward messages. I can accept anybody who buzz me and say "aku bosan aa dek..kaco ko jap..miahaha". At least that's more entertaining. Even if I'm really busy, I can simply say "later beb, aku tgh ade keje.." At least that's a true meaning of communication and that's simply means that I'm a friend of yours who you can talk with. See the irony there. Sending a pre-formatted messages with copy and paste and a click of send to all, or your own simple, custom message with just a click and a press of "h" and "i" to show your true friendship? See the irony there. Which message will I truly read and response? And how can you say that forwarding a message really make you a true friend?
I've seen some entry about this forwarding messages pandemic somewhere in other blog, and yes it shows how suck this pandemic is. Now another irony, the one who spread this "forwarding-spam-messages-pandemic" are the ones who suppose to create a better IT world? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT??
Here I put some of the definition of spam :
"Internet spam is one or more unsolicited messages, sent or posted as part of a larger collection of messages, all having substantially identical content."
Spamming is commonly defined as the sending of Unsolicited Commercial and/or Bulk Email - that is, email that was not asked for (Unsolicited) by multiple recipients (Bulk)
Now you see? No?? Okay for your own courtesy, I put the "WHY Can't We practise spam"
- Spamming will only add more usage of bandwidth. It can cause latency or lags to users, either in client's side or server's side, in a way that the server's have to spend extra CPU cycle to process the routing of all the unsolicited messages, and the client's have to spend extra CPU cycle to output the messages concurrently.
- It doesn't bring any goods at all, for most of the users will only DELETE the messages, sometimes even before the messages are read. You will NOT be any cuter by doing it.
- In case of religious messages, sometimes it can be confusing and misleading. "Dengan menyebut kalimah ini, kekayaan akan menghampiri anda". Let me remind all of you. NOTHING IN THE WORLD CAN BE GAINED WITHOUT ANY HARD WORK. And spamming it like that is not a hard work. Yes reminding each other is a good thing, but triggering someone's annoyance in the name of reminding, when someone is doing his/her job sincerely by the name of the god? Remember, there's a better way to "dakwah". Berdakwah dgn hikmah, bukan dgn khemah. Dan bukan dengan memforward mende haramjadah.
- In case of friendship, it is BETTER if you message someone with sincerity, not by forwarding some pre-formatted nice words and texts. The other party will appreciate more. And also, sometimes it can be misleading. "Forward kepada 15 org dalam masa sejam, atau anda tak mungkin mendapat awek lg selama2nya." Neherem kejadah pelancao??
- In case of links or URL, sometimes the URL itself can be dangerous. Accessing unknown resources or untrusted links can lead to a download of unknown files or binary code. Pastu kang menggelabah tanya aku atau jep atau pakcik camne nk buang spyware. hambek! For those who likes to forward newspaper links or something, its BETTER if you trigger a conversation with someone about the news. DO NOT GIVE THE LINK AND LEFT YOUR FUCKING FRIENDS LIKE THAT. ITS RUDE. Maybe he/she has read the news, and then when you give the links, just feel how disappointed it is to open the same link twice? (My own principal : I don't give a DAMN about anything happened out there, especially when I have something much better to do. Improve yourself first, then you can talk about others) Hey, even a hackers will tell you, "Check this link : This is how to code a Perl script for managing ports -" See the values of telling in details, not just a blank message with only a fucking URL.
- NOT ALL USERS OF INSTANT MESSAGING USE IT FOR LEISURE OR FUN. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO USE INSTANT MESSAGING FOR BUSINESS AND WORKS. How irritated will you be when you expect a business deal messages, but one that come is a spam message?

posted by Anonymous @ 12:16 AM,
- At 12:49 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
"Remember, there's a better way to "dakwah". Berdakwah dgn hikmah, bukan dgn khemah. Dan bukan dengan memforward mende haramjadah"
Pandai ko berpantun. Ko memang Jaguh Pantun seantero Muor. Miahahahha.. lepas nih ko gegar kan South Bark lak.. hohoho~
I am just right there in the same line with you, somehow I do it in an irony an sarcastic way. ho ho ho~ - At 3:01 PM, said...
wahahahah...demmit2. nih satu spam yg agak lawak!!
fatiah: Teknik membesarkan zakar kini dlm pasaran. Utk maklumat lanjut, sila layari :
wahahahahaha!!! bangsat tol. - At 3:46 PM, Snubby, Don of Anime said...
Hahaha. Aku dah kurang dpt msg spam pasal bile org spam jer aku trus sound direct. Agaknye org dah tak brani kot letak aku dlm list spamming diorang. Tp masih ade lagi aa sikit2.
Admit it laa adeq! Aku tau ko suke msg spam drpd fatiah tuh... ko nak besarkan ehem2 kan? kan??? Muahahahahahaha.
Kadang2 berguna gak..lalalala... oops aku dah terbukak webpage tuh, eh mane button close nih, eh, takpelah bace kejap. lalala.
(takper ek aku menempel satu comment dlm blog bbdak itis ye?) - At 4:23 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
adek... aku rase sbnrnye tuh bukan spam aa.. fatiah mmg tujukan pada ko.. die nak suh ko besarkan ehem ehem.. maybe die nilai ko nye kurang dari segi ukuran barangkali.. maybe laa.. ish teruk aku gi kasi camni..
alo snubby.. ble nak maen futsal lagi? kang adek tuh tambah buncet lak.. asyik kene spam je.. mana nak kurus.. ho ho hO~ - At 4:52 PM, said...
babiey korg. smpt lak kutuk aku.huhuhu.
fatiah nih nk kene try br die tau beso ke tak.wahahah! :P die tatau dowh ukuran ke ape ke..wahaha..
demmit. kene spam leh boncet ke? harap2 pasni tak dpt spam..bole laa aku menguruskan perot tanpa futsal. wahaha :p - At 11:02 PM, said...
as expected from en A. monyet btol.