Saturday, April 15, 2006
I stunned at that question. It strucks the so-called "technology phr3ak" piece of my mind; and the first that hit me is the word "love" and "honestly". As long as I've ignored all the feelings thingy, this was the first time since a long one had I've been asked like this. Being in IT-related working environment, makes me a numb homo-sapiens.
And when I go to bed that day, all the memories hit me. All the girls that I've known, all my friends, all people that I've even considered as a family. I miss all of them. The closeness of itisjan03, one of a big family that I have. The naughtiness of querians, another big family back in the old-school of mine. The intimation of gurly-gheyz, the obsession of gamers. All those good times..
All of these mentioned above, is what I considered as a honest relationship of friends, which creates love and destroy the boundary between us, and make us care for each other like a family. Astonished by respects, acknowledged by openness.
Being in IT world doesn't mean we do not need love. The obssession of technology creates a keen mind, but the vitality of love is what creates and changes what we are. This is the only love that I really cherish, the intimacy of a family, which starts from a bunch of strangers with little similarity, and managed to know each other well enough to care and be there when needed...
That's it my friends. Thanks for being significant in my life. We are family, and I don't want my so-called family vanished just like that in thin air. And by the way, for the above questions, after a long thinking, I answered "Yes, I'll continue the relationship. Honesty is the best thing that I can appreciate. " Days go by and still I think of you... :)

posted by Anonymous @ 2:24 AM,
- At 5:22 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
"We are family, and I don't want my so-called family vanished just like that in thin air."
yerp.. aku dh anggap cam sedara mara je.. hope dis friendship remains friendship... - At 2:30 PM, said...
hihu. soklan jamie tuh membuatkan aku terstunned skali lg. demm...
aku tatau nk jwb. maybe..aku akan mempersoalkan honest ke tak. hihu.
"nape tak bgtau awal2??" -_-" - At 5:32 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
ek? pesal aku x prasan ar post nih? tenggelam di bwh post2 yg pjg berjela hahah. wah soklan jmie ar, kalo aku, if dat time aku single lg, aku sambar je >:) heheh
*terms and condition applied
-jep- - At 11:39 PM, said...
- expected from ahli kelab loosang :p