Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Get a genuine copy of Windows XP they say, yah right. For an average student like me, an amount of rm520 for a genuine copy of windows XP Pro is way too expensive. Why pay more when you can get them from the BT network? or even from the cd shops at JJ?. I can save that money to buy a decent widescreen in the future some more. Sorry for the broken english though. For those who had encounter the WGA popup balloon or window saying that your copy of Windows XP is not genuine, there's nothing that can you do. Owh wait, you do have three option though:
1. Format your pc again
2. Go get yourself an RM520 genuine Windows XP Pro or perhaps the cheaper rm320 XP Home or perhaps the cheaper XP Starter(i don't know how much that will cost)
3. Migrate to other OSes - Linux,Unix,BSD from differents distro - or go get yourself a Mac Mini with Mac OS X 10.4 pre-installed.
As for the others who luckily did not get the warning, be sure not to installed the WGA Update. Yes. You can skip the installation of that annoying WGA thingy.
People will be able to decline the tool download or uninstall it, said David Lazar, director of the Windows Genuine program at Microsoft. They can also suppress the alerts by right-clicking on them when they appear during the running of Windows.
Well David Lazar lied. When you update windows next time, there will be a window like this:

Note the update named Windows Genuine Advantage Notification (KB905474). Do not install this update, or else you will have a hard time playing DoTA. As simple as that. But if you are a stubborn kid with the urge to know what happen if you do install that thingy, you won't be able to uninstall it back, unlike other Windows SP2 update.

The other option, the real honest and genuine option in order to cope with the ever expensive WinBows is to opt for OpenSource OSes. For decades the mind of human had been feed with the idea of these type of OSes is only meant for geeks. Well not anymore. The Linux,Unix and BSD distros has develop to be more and more user-friendly as it can get. Do not jump straight away to the high-end Linux or Unix distro though. You can always opt for the more Windows-like distro such as XandrOS free edition, PCLinuxOS, or Ubuntu. XandrOS linux is promised to be the first linux that can support Windows application, while PCLinuxOS is meant for entertainment with all the apps and codec pre-installed in the package, and UBuntu with its automated update and configuration tools. As for gaming environment, I dare not elaborate although Linux do have an application to simulate windows games. That is because linux is mainly based on OpenGL technology while many windows games used DirectX, which is well-known as the propriety of Microsoft.
Until then, try not to waste your money. Wait for Windows Vista if you decide to buy a genuine Microsoft product. I do support Genuine software, but my wallet does not.
Picture Source: Lowyat.Net,WindowObserver
posted by Anonymous @ 10:43 AM,
- At 11:54 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
hi pakcik~
aku baru jer amik cd dari bullah tp lom format lg..ader jer dlm keter..nanti aku try balik karg..smlm x sempat sbb tertido awal..dari kul 830 smpi kul 6..haha~
-gajah chan- - At 3:18 PM, said...
haha..nyce one paceek. good job.. GOOD JOB!! *applause*
uish..XandrOS support windows apps ke?? siyes?? wahh..nak CD!!
p/s:adekah SLES or RHEL dikira high end? Fedora project juakah? Mandriva? camne yg dikira high end tuh? - At 4:58 PM, said...
errr..solaris bkn ade lesen ke?? open source ekk??
gampang selama ni aku pk solaris ade lesen gk. wahaha..aku da sala bg jwpn kat requester aa camtuh..
wahaha..jep..aku on da way menjatuhkan ko sebagai raja tipoo.. :p - At 8:58 PM, said...
yeah..who brag about shitty life? check blk sume2 post. takde yg tiada kaitan dgn internship. all technology, eksiden ms internship psl nk g keje, mende2 yg jadik kat opis, or gath. could u please point me any posts that brag about shits in their life?
u sux en a. huhu - At 8:21 AM, MK said...
thou you shall not fight against each other
we are all brothers,we are born as brothers, we will die as brothers,
you shall not let stupid things breaks our bonds
bonds that have existed for centuries, bonds that could not be broken unless by death,
your temper is your greatest enemy, it will control you unless you control it,
and thus, hear me well,
dont be a jackass.
-gomok - At 10:23 AM, said...
woahh...shit mok..hebat gile poem hang.
- At 10:48 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
jackass = jaqas?