Thursday, May 18, 2006
Dear Students,
Greeting from Registration unit.
I wish that everyone of you is in good health and will strive to gain
invaluable experience through the Industrial Training programme.
The pre-registration activity for July 2006 is scheduled as follows:
Date : 18-30 May 2006 (24 hours Internet access)
All students are compulsory to pre-registered courses for July 2006
semester. We need your full commitment and cooperation to ensure all online
submission to be done within stipulated dates. Copy of Registration
Handbook can be obtained from Registration / IRC counters. Attached below
are the list of courses offered for Semester July 2006.
(See attached file: List Course Offered July 2006.xls)(See attached file:
Equivalent courses July 2006.xls)
(See attached file: Guide Online Reg_Jul2006.doc)
Thank you in advance for your time and cooperation.
Mohd Zamani Haji Mohd Zain
Admission & Registration Unit
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
Tel : 605-368 8356 Fax : 605-365 4082
Email :
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confidential information. You are hereby notified that the taking of any
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distribution, printing or copying of this Message or any part thereof by
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have received this Message in error, you should delete this Message
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Opinions, conclusions and other information in this Message that do not
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be understood as neither given nor endorsed by PETRONAS or any of the
companies within the Group.
(Embedded image moved to file: pic04084.pcx)
Damn it. Now, let's decide what course do we wanna take for next semester. I hate to do this. *sigh*
Btw, this email has been sent to everybody (I believe) as I saw a lot of email id in the "To:" part. However, for those who want to download the attachments, here it is:
Email attachments
Here's a list of courses (refer to the attachments "List Course Offered July 2006")

For EE minor (Me, Jep, Gomok), we need to identify the course equivalent. 4 more minor to complete our stupid EE minor (Digital Electronics 1, Microprocessor 1, and other 2 courses selectable from 3 (DgE 2,MicroP 2, Computer System Architechture something if I'm not mistaken). Thx God we pass our Etech). Here's the listing of course code.
EEB 3083 Microprocessor 1 -> EAB 2023 Microprocessor
EAB 1054 Digital Electronics 1
EEB 5035 Microprocessor 2
DG2 and CSA cannot be found in the course code (fak!! br nak amek..), which means, we need to check with ACS AGAIN!!
For other's a snapshot of the course listed:

I will be kinda busy from 18-30 (got stupid IBM Talentime, and also Test 252 WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment version 6 System Administrator, apart from regular routine). Need all your help here to decide what course should we take to maximize the similarity of class for next semester. Also, to ensure that no one will be left behind or doesn't have proper plan for the final year. *sigh..tua da kite sume..*
It's time to go back to the hell..adeii..

posted by Anonymous @ 1:02 AM,
- At 6:03 AM, MK said...
aku ikot ko la adek pasal minor kita..amik je la papepon...aku bukan ape, takut clash klass jer..hihu..inform me kalo ade pape..
jam pkl 6.00 pagi..ngantuk...HUARRGGHH!! - At 8:46 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
1. Mohd Zamani Haji Mohd Zain
Admission & Registration Unit
Universiti Teknologi Petronas
dia ni ada kaitan dengan Ahmad Zamani Zakaria tak?
2. I will be kinda busy from 18-30 (got stupid IBM Talentime, and also Test 252 WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment version 6 System Administrator, apart from regular routine).
hoah~ talentime tuH!!! ko nyanyi ke bergelek dek? woo wooo wooo...
ade lagi ke dak2 laki yang mau join aku, kuzek, gajah dan bob menjadi dak2 minor finance..
btw.. do we have any such thing as major? - At 10:47 AM, said...
enol: Talentime IBM nih..utk dept aku yg berbilang kaum nih lebey "mesra" aa kunun2nya. die wat group2 korea, europe, india, cine, melayu, thai, indon. n then sape yg jatuh dlm grup2 di atas kene perform something yg menggambarkan budaya race tuh. and guess what race I fall into? Chinese... duhhh...
btw..stkt ape yg aku tau, kita takde major, ade minor jer. dak bawah kita ( dak foundey) ade major.
huhu..skang nih..aku blur tatau nk amek subjek ape. sape ade list requirement subjek yg nk kene amek utk completekan degree kita nih??kang ade yg salah amek ke..payah..huhu..
Mok: erm..psl minor tuh..maybe sem depan kita amek microP dgn DG. then sem lagi satu tuh br pilih antara 3 tuh. aku pilih comp sys architechture dgn maybe DG2/MicroP2. depends kat ape yg senang. kene tanya dak2 EE aa camnih.
insya allah sem depan kite leh wat. DG sng jer..n then MicroP cuma C and Assembler. insya allah tak D lagi kot..huhu..
pakcik: haha..sedara ko kot? ko je tak kenal. mcm en A dgn leha..kenal bile da ujung2 pengajian..adeis..
btw pakcik..aku ade idea..nnt aku kasik dr rumah..hehehe - At 12:48 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
ujung pengajian? hahah cam citer hindustan jer, typical hindustan muvie wahahhaha
-jep- - At 9:15 PM, nuriena said...
ngaaa... aku tatau nk amik ape.. syafrey mau amik apekah? amik finance ek.. aku mau amek ape nih.. adoi.. sengal pale otak.. tamo grad lg bley ak? huahua... sesape ley tlg btau aku mau amik ape... :P
- At 9:25 AM, kakak said...
pacik,kalo xamik dss xle grad ke?
ape subjek wajib tuk grad yg kite xamik lg? - At 11:03 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
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- At 11:04 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
korang, ade any suggestion nak amik subjek ape for IT(corporate management)x?kene diskusi ni..if leh amik same2 la..snang..grad pon same2..hahaha
~if bley nak stay lg kt cni~ - At 2:30 PM, nuriena said...
dak2 is... kite kene amik ABAPII, DSS, Dbase Admin, POM..
dak2 itis kene amik ethical & proffesional issue ngn fyp
dak2 corporate management meh ler amik kos bersame2... aku da blur nk amik pe tuk dis sem.. huahuahau - At 5:35 PM, kakak said...
ngaa..POM dah amik..pekah sabjek ganti POm? iTf kah??
- At 1:30 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
Kepada rakan2 IT ku yang budiman..
1) Final Year Project (a)
2) Ethical Professional Issues
3) Virtual Reality
4) Network Multimedia System
5) Software Testing n Reliability
6) 2 lagi subjek minor
kepada kroni2 Minor Finance ku yang kecil bilangannya.. memandangkan kita dah amik 2 minor (OB+ITF).. sem ni adakah mau membebankan dengan 2 lagi minor.. dengan assumption final year nnt boleh berilek-rilek sakan?
Btw.. sem July selalunye short sem kan? aku rase mcm nak regis 6 subjek duluh (pe satu lagi minor finance tu ek? corp finance ka international finance kejadah tuh..).. then bile sessi add drop.. kalo jadual mengizinkan.. add laa satu lagi minor.. tu pon kalo larat.. kalo kot2 otak pk nak mengorat.. takyah laa add.. kui kui kuI~ - At 3:51 PM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
apa course code yg kita suma kena guna sbnrnya? the one which start with "T.." or "S.." ?
-dy- - At 4:49 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
hajar, za, dilla bukan ke finance gak???
sengaja nak cite pasal talent time adek.. rupenye adek kene buat lion dance.. hohoho~ seb bek jadi budak yang men bola-bola jek.. kalo die jadi singa.. woo woo woo
cc: dak2 ade sape2 simpan tak list course aku penah buat dulu.. list2 aku sume dah ilang dek format... - At 3:12 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
paceek.. ko berbunyi comel.. aku suke : D : D : D
- At 11:03 PM, said...
okes..nih ape yg aku amek..
*** Minor EE ***
Digital Electronics (4Yr) / EAB1054
Microprocessor (4Yr) / EAB2023
*** Core IT ***
Ethical and Professional Issues / STB4142
Networked Multimedia System / STB4123
Software Testing and Reliability / STB4153
*** FYP ***
Final Year Project IT(Struc A) / STB5033
Ini plak ape yg aku plan utk final yr last sem
Computer Security
Wireless Communication
Computer System Architechture (minor)
Digital Electronic 2 / Microprocessor 2 (minor..depends yg mana sng)
Gomok...Jep..same class?? same shit?? - At 11:55 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
hurmm i'll go with u adek, amik micro p & d.e dulu, tp kalo clash nnt time add n drop kiter tendang mana2 yg clash. fyp tu btol tak dier nyer course code? sekira tepat maka aku nak register.
-jep- - At 12:13 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
Dear Readers,
My Pre-Registered Courses:
1. Ethical and Professional Issues / STB4142
2. Networked Multimedia System / STB4123
3. Software Testing and Reliability / STB4153
4. Project - Part A / STB4132
5. Virtual Reality / STB5023
6. Corporate Finance (5Yr) / SFB3013
7. Strategic Management (5Yr) / SNB4023
My Current Plan
Next Semester subjects:
1. FYP Part A
2. Corporate Finance
3. Human Resource Management/ Strategic Management
4. Ethical & Professional Issues
5. Virtual Reality
6. Network Multimedia Systems
7. Software Testing & Reliability
Final Semester subjects:
1. FYP Part B
2. Business & Cyber Law
3. Multinational Corporate Finance & International Business
4. Computer Security
5. Wireless Communication
My Comments
Since I plan to take Strategic Management (to be with the other Corporate Management guys)next semester, therefore I plan to take Human Resource Management and Business Cyber Law for the final semester. Please note that Business & Cyber Law is NOT a minor subject listed under the Financial Management minoring scheme. It is just a subject I plan to take for an added value to my degree. Therefore with this I forfeit my previous dreams of registering Business Application Programming 1.
A minor switch may be made in the Add/Drop session, where I may drop Strategic Management for Human Resource Management/ Business & Cyber Law if there are restrictions in the Academic Timetable. - At 12:16 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
ok just realized a demmit.. aku tgk dalam jadual yg die bagi tuh.. die tulis PROJECT - A.. sekali terrealize adek register bende lain dari aku.. adess mane satu nieh? aku berdasarkan kitab dan mazhab yang dianjurkan..
- At 12:48 PM, kakak said...
aku dah mule musykil...yg general stadi tuh,mazhab tahun ble? relevan ngn kte ke x??
- At 4:11 PM, kakak said...
- At 10:33 AM, said...
ades..maka FYP aku salah??
enol..ade simpan tak course code utk ko nye FYP tuh?