Thursday, May 25, 2006
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) added another feather to its cap when six of its projects were awarded gold medals at the recently concluded 17th International Exhibition on Invention, Innovation, Industrial Design and Technology (ITEX '06). One of the gold recipients also received a Special Award - The Moscow Award for Best Invention in Medical Science. The Exhibition, organised by the Malaysian Invention and Design Society (MINDS) was held at the KL Convention Centre from the 19th to the 21st of May 2006. This achievement effectively places UTP on par in research field with the other established local public universities. In addition, from a total of 17 projects sent by UTP to participate in ITEX '06, the University also received two silver medals and seven bronze medals in this competition. This performance is unprecedented for a private university at the 17th edition of this exhibition.
Among the private universities, UTP is first with UNITEN at second place with two gold, one silver and two bronze. Last year UTP won only one gold, eight silver and ten bronze from the 24 exhibits fielded.
This year's achievement definitely reflects upon the strength of the university in aspiring to be a centre of innovation and creativity. The feat is also more impressive considering the fact that four of the gold, one silver and four bronze medals were contributed from undergraduate projects, while other universities fielded mostly research projects funded from various sources.
UTP's winning projects are as below :
Gold Award Recipients (6)
- Series Hybrid Electric Vehicle With On-Board Linear Generator
Project Leader: Assoc Prof Dr Abdul Rashid Abdul Aziz - Computer Cardiologist For Quick Diagnosis of Heart Conditions
Project Leader: Prof Dr P A Venkatachalam
Also won The Moscow Award for Best Invention in Medical Science - Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Ultrasonic Techniques
Project Leader: Prof. V R Radhakrishnan - Cooling Helmet
Project Leader: Dr Balbir Singh - Smart Messaging Parking System
Project Leader: Koh Moi Ing - REVO Badminton Shuttlecock Launcher
Project Leader: Kee Kok Eng
Silver Medal Recipients (2)
- Milder Route for MEOH Synthesis From Renewable Resources
Project Leader: Dr Suzana Yusup - Vehicle Remote Control and Monitoring System Using GSM Architecture
Project Leader: Abdullah Sani Abdul Rahman
Bronze Medal Recipients (7)
- Paxfil: Water Treatment System Using Natural Product
Project Leader: M Zamri Abdullah - Effect of Used Oil on the Properties of Concrete
Project Leader: Assoc Prof Dr Nasir Syafiq - Kitchen Helper System with Voice Recognition
Project Leader: Yong Suet Peng - NETTER: Development of Household Water Filteration Kit Using Low Cost Natural Product
Project Leader: Hj Bawadi Abdullah - Imaging Coursework Data Entry
Project Leader: Patrick Sebastian - In-situ Transesterification of Rubber Seed
Project Leader: M Tazli Azizan - Hexapod Robot Using Tripod Technology
Project Leader: M Haris Md Khir
This year's success will definitely spur more innovative ideas to be developed in UTP. It is hoped that for coming exhibitions, be it at national or international level, UTP will be able to stand proud at par with the other universities of the world.
Source: PETRONAS Intranet.

posted by Ainul Hafiz @ 2:24 PM,
- At 3:45 PM, MK said...
free bump for today
*BUMP* - At 4:43 PM, kakak said...
xde sape2 nk post cite br ke?
- At 4:45 PM, said...
cet...en a..ko post aa game ke..huahuahua
- At 10:29 AM, said...
lorg en jer..menatang ape pn kuar..dulik per. last2 bole dibuat spam komen. huahuahua!!
-weng mode- - At 11:59 AM, kakak said...
ngeh ngeh ngeh..adek kembali ske weng.. post ar en a..spam dlm komen xde hal nyer