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The first and the last

(From my blog)

Isnin, 12 Disember 2005

Belum pernah lagi seawal kira-kira tujuh pagi dari aku naik LRT, dan bertolak ke satu destinasi yang sudah lama tak aku tujui. Destinasi yang bakal aku lalui selama tiga puluh dua minggu. Destinasi yang bakal merubah terus cara hidup dan penyusunan waktu atur nafasku. Destinasi yang membanding beza alam remaja dan dewasaku. Dayabumi.

Perjalanan dari Pandan Jaya ke Masjid Jamek hanyalah kira-kira 20 minit. Berjalan kaki dari Masjid Jamek ke Dayabumi dalam lingkungan 8 minit. Sekitar jam 7.40 pagi, kelana muda tiba di tempat tumpang teduhnya. Gelisah dan risah, gundah tak menentu arah, jejari mencari 'Dad' di dalam senarai nombor, memanggil. Mendapat nasihat menghubungi Syed Shaharum. Syed Shaharum, sedang bercuti. Tiada di ofis. Di Pahang (agaknya). Arahan diterima untuk menelefon Zainal Osman. Zainal Osman gagal dihubungi, lantas menghubungi semula Syed Shaharum. Syed Shaharum memesan supaya tunggu. Aku tunggu dalam debar. Jam sudah menjangkaui delapan pagi. Skema sungguh pada perawalan dahulu.

Staff MISC pertama yang aku kenal, Haji Shamsul. Mengajar aku mengambil pas di receptionist (yang kemudian menjadi rutin selama hampir dua bulan) untuk naik ke atas. Service Desk, tempat pertama aku kenal. Duduk di sebuah kerusi kosong milik 'Zul'. Sedang duduk2 mendapat panggilan dari 'Razak' supaya ke tingkat 21. Haji Shamsul membawa ke tingkat 21, bertukar tangan ke Razak.

Razak membawa kenal kepada Megat Kamil, yang memaklumkan 'Reza' yang sepatutnya bertanggungjawab sedang bermesyuarat. Megat memberi penerangan statusku yang diletakkan di Human Resource Division selama seminggu sebelum ke ICT department. Razak membawa aku mengenali staff-staff dan juga sekitar MISC. Aku didudukkan dihadapan Kak Ramlah, di antara 'Syed' dan 'Chaya'.

Oleh sebab tiada apa yang dibuat, komputer yang diberi tiada Internet, maka lena sajalah yang boleh aku lakukan. Kak Wan, meminta aku bertanya sesuatu kepada Mr Leng, dalam mamai-mamai aku yang tak faham soalan bertanya pada Mr Leng - yang tidak tahu aku seorang intern. Dan dalam terpinga-pinga, memang aku takkan mampu mendapat jawapan dari Mr Leng kerana ssuatu yang bukan dibawah kefahaman aku. Mr Leng memberi beberapa dokumen untuk dibaca. Baca = tidur kembali.

Dalam 9.30 Reza Huzairi datang ke meja. Kacak orangnya. Maka aku diberi aku mendapat penerangan tentang HR dari Megat dan Reza. Kemudian kembali ke meja.

Waktu lunch, aku ke Stove, tempat yang biasa ayah dan mama bawa ketika kecil - dan baru ku kenal nilai wang dan murahnya kehidupan di dalam universiti. Usai makan segera berzohor di surau.

Seterusnya aku dijadualkan mendapat penerangan selanjutnya dari Faisal dan juga Megat - namun sesuatu yang sangat menarik terjadi. Aku yakin tidak ada seorang pun intern mengalami apa yang aku lalui. Loceng kecemasan tetiba kedengaran. Dan Menara Dayabumi perlu dikosongkan segera. Hari pertama di alam kerja, aku sudah mengenal di mana tangga kecemasan dan menapak turun setingkat demi setingkat dari tingkat 21, lalu berhimpun di hadapan pejabat pos. Setelah keadaan didapati selamat, semua kembali ke tempat masing-masing. Kira-kira sejam masa 'terbazir' di situ.

Kembali ke meja dan berkenalan dengan Ridzuan dan Megat. Mereka sebenarnya berbincang tentang LOM, dan aku cuma mendengar dan mendengar. Dan aku kembali ke meja dan membaca dokumen2 yang telah ku baca sampai jam 5. Terus pulang.

Begitulah, hari pertama dari tiga puluh dua minggu yang seterusnya.

Friday, 21 July 2006

I was not as early as before, where I used to arrive by 7.40 - nowadays my timing was around 8.00 - 8.10. As I arrive, Abg Azam was at my desk, with my PC on. We had some 'business' to be discussed. I did my routine, went to the pantry to get a cup of tea and opened my mail, my meebo, and checking blogs, emails, friendster, newspapers, etc. Then I started my work.

I printed the spine and the cover page for my final report and log book. Then, I proceed ammending the SOPP as Fiza requested. Kak Salasiah came later, giving me the documents that I needed En Shaharum's initial on it. Exchanged the document with Fiza and did my final ammendment on the Escalation Process Flow. By then, I got Kak Anne's consultation to proceed with checking the phone extensions or not. I proceeded - while I also calculated my total weekly reports.

Also did my routine of exchanging mails with Kuzek. Oh, today's first email was from Aysha - which was her last. We will be meeting later in UTP. I then arranged my documents of log book and final report - I am ready. Time paasses and Wesley gave me a call and asked about lunch - we had a time of 2 o clock on agreement.

As Friday's are very fast - I went to the Service Desk, had a small chat with Fiza before going to my Friday prayers. And yes as usual, would go to the stalls outside and get something to eat. Murtabak and Cincau - where I never bought both at here before. It was raining, so finished my murtabak swiftly and got in. Was not a surprise to see the Masjid full before the Azan due to the rain.

I gathered with Wesley and his other colleagues from VADS at Nautica. He treated me as it was our final feast together. Nasi Goreng Ayam Telur Mata - the four of us had the same menu. I entered office back at 3.

Fiza asked me to go to the Service Desk after lunch, but she wasnt there, so I went to the staging room, and saw the video of UPM students (I think) doing a demo which I was unsure on what cause.

I came back to my desk, and cleared all my things. All papers were put in a box - to be recycled hopefully. I just realized that I had 2 meeting minutes of the CDIIS project with HSSE with me - where I was suppose to get the signature of Captain Deepak; which I didnt. I returned the documentation to Kak Rozleena. Kak Ros then invited me to join her in meeting Encik Khairul Anuar next Tuesday - I then revealled that it was my final day in MISC. She just knew, and went to meet Encik Anwar to convey the message. Encik Anwar came and spoke to me and wished me the best and so on. Then I continue, packing where I saw Azmi not in his office attire, it was 4 o clock. I thought he was on his way back, so I shook his hands and told him I was done. En Hasan was with him, where we did exchange handshakes.

I then went to the HR and met Encik Ridzuan, also got wishes from him, and asked orders from Kak Reeni about my pass card. She asked me to get a temporary pass from the receptionist downstairs. After I obtained one, I gave my card which had served me well through out this internship period. Then I said goodbye to Ila and Kak Reeni.

I went to the receptionist at level 17 for a while to meet the other Fiza and Zaza - the 2 other people (except Ila) who are my age in MISC. We exchanged phone numbers, took some pictures, and said goodbye to each other.

Then, I started meeting every staff in the ICT department, from Yong, Mr Manjit, Kak Aini, Kak Jalidah, Johnny, Ms Jasmine, En Yazid, Stephen, Kak Mala, Mr Beh, Yam, Fiza (we took our pictures.. and they even put their make up on before it!), Chief, Awie, Abg Alias, Abg Rahim, Pak Ajam, Kak Shidah, Kak Saleha, Albert, Kak Anne, Mr Ho, Haji Shamsul, Kak Marina, Kak Haizan, Encik Yazam, Mr Ho, Kak Yus, Kak Salasiah, Selvy, Abg Leman, and lastly - Encik Shaharum.

Encik Shaharum treated me Teh Tarik and Roti Canai (well, not he actually... a GM from MILS paid.. so consider him as 'bringing me there')... At first En Shaharum was targeting a time of 15 minutes. And the 15 minutes expanded to more than half and hour I guess. It was 6.30!!!

I had my final say with En Shaharum - the one who put his plans on my schedule for all this 8 months. Till then, bomvoyage MISC!!!

It was a day of mixed emotions. It was not a sad feeling. But a feeling where you're leaving a place you are complecent to another where you know very well. It's a feeling of leaving behind some of those who had been very nice to you for 8 months, and returning to back to the old flocks of friends. It's a feeling of from adult to teenager. It's a feeling of gladness of having your time of your life. It's a feeling of changing your routine for 8 months, to another old routine for the next 14 weeks.

MISC Berhad had left a lot of help, a lot of memories, a lot of support, and a lot of experience. Thank you for the time I had here. I'm not sad I am leaving, but I am glad that I left it where I can claim - I was HERE!

Most of them told me to come there in my holidays, En Shaharum had greater ideas for me to come if I have research to be done for my final year. I am glad that I met this group of people - who are busy yet they do notice and do give their very best wishes to a naive innocent kid like me.

I ain't sure if I'll be returning to MISC (as an employee) in the future, but if I am destined there - I'll be prepared.

For the mean time, I think I'll get emails exchanged and keep the network connected.

P/S: Just discovered that En Yazam also reads my blog. And guys, our lecturers are also reading this! Hello to you folks. We're back!

posted by Ainul Hafiz @ 9:30 AM,


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"itisjan03. From 2003, the friendship blooms into family. All the jokes, the memories, the happiness, the kindness, are shared for eternity. And here's the platform for this family to unite, and to care, with every available serenity"


    Jangan sumbat atau sekat P2P saya!


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