Thursday, June 22, 2006
<<< Re-post from Cinta Sumber Segala Cinta >>>
For better feel of reading this post, please tune in to OST - Happy Days TV Theme Song
At last came the day... MY FINAL PRESENTATION for this practical training... had been a long 7 months. To be among the earliest is just cool since I was eager to end everything fast. My nervous also camed very late last night (I was not nervous until yesterday) when I sort of couldn't present in front of my own dad. I even missed all games last nite just because of my fright on today's session. It isn't Dr Azween who I am scared of, but it is my supervisors here, En Shaharum and En Yazam who knows well everything that I had been going through. So no more kelentong2 or kencheng2 in this presentation... all must be true and precise. THAT'S the part that made me fear. However my dad did gave some words of advise where:
"Angah cakap benda yang angah tahu je, benda yang tak tahu toksah cakap. Nanti die tanya karang susah nak jawab."
Eventhough I did not watch any football matches.. I did wake up late (late means with the help of my mother to wake me up) around 7. Tried to rush to office to come early (usually I'm late for 10-15 minutes) and I did arrive early, well.. 5 minutes before 8. I went to the receptionist and check with Zaza on the room I booked. She changed it to room 6, a much closed room. Just what I need. And then went to meet Abg Rahim to get the laptop I loaned for this presentation. By time En Shaharum was there, I asked me about my slides, he said ok.. just follow the ammendments En Yazam made. En Yazam then gave me the assessment after filling up the Section III comments, some impressive remarks especially at the end where he stated I wouldnt have any problems to adapt to the working environment.
I met En Shaharum to discuss the grading for the 19 criteria... previously he asked me to evaluate my self... there are points where I graded myself 3 (as average).. luckily and I am so glad En Shaharum gave me a 4.. and also even incremented some which were 4 to 5. There was a point of Leadership, where I said I didnt feel that my leadership skills were developed... He did ponder awhile (is it hard to evaluate?) and then said I did show leadership skills through the discussions and decision makings.. (huh? did I?).. and all in all was 4 and most of it with fives with no threes...
I was so nervous that I went to the washroom 3 times, where nothing came out! So I tried to rehearse what I will be saying but it's much more tiring than playing futsal! So I sort of try to relax, eventhough was not so. I then decided to go for lunch, (usually I don't) to take away the nerve out of me.
After my Zohor prayers, suddenly the feeling to throw came, so I went to the gents. Relieved. So I rushed up since Dr Azween said he'll arrive at 2. Took the laptop and my other items, and went to Level 17, Meeting Room 6, prepared all materials and had a cup of coffee to ease myself. I went in and out the room for several times. Dr Azween said he will arrive at 2 but still he has not appeared. He is very punctual and usually early.
As I waited at the receptionist, I saw his figure entering the sliding door. (I was imagining him cutting his hair, nope.. his hair was just longer). I greeted him and brought him to MR6, had some chats since En Yazam and En Shaharum has not yet arrived.
Later En Yazam arrived, and then En Shaharum. I started my presentation, evaluated by Dr Azween and En Yazam. I was nervous, but just kept on talking. I started explaining from the agenda, the objectives, my achievements in Service Desk, the IPCC Project, Fleet and Non Liner Application and also in the CDIIS Project. The only question I received was from En Yazam and En Shaharum, En Yazam asked me to explain what I meant with 'transfer sets' and its importance (luckily I answered correctly) and En Shaharum asked my recommendations for the next trainee. I simply suggested that time spent in the Helpdesk should be extended so that could learn more about the Business Applications. This is because, in my period in the Service Desk, the ICT Technical has not yet been outsourced. So I did not manage to learn the difference from inside, before and after the outsource to IPerintis. Dr Azween only asked on what are the things that I did not learn, and yes the answer was programming. How rusty my skills are right now.
My presentation ended in a funny way, that I included a lessons learned which was 'experiencing office safety procedures' where I was experiencing twice Fire Drills, and the first one was on my first day in MISC. All of us laughed out.
All in all, Dr Azween was quite promoting UTP services in doing ICT consultancy and training, whereas also did propose that the .NET development that is currently done in MISC is to made my final year project. Bhoy.. I am worried. I am!
The slot ended around 4 since En Shaharum and En Yazam had a meeting to attend. I left my belongings and laptop to Zaza the receptionist, and accompanied Dr Azween for a drink. He hadn't even had his breakfast yet! We did talk on the differences of environment in UTP and KL, a lil bit on his background, and also updates about UTP, about MR Anang doing his PhD.. about my enrolled subjects next semester, about my minoring/majoring and my plans... about him going to Hajj.. and also on his desire to learn arabic language from Ust Pisol. His reason: To read the Quran better. (did I tell you Dr Azween was a convert)
I sent him to his car, an SLK... no not the Mercedes SLK... but the Small Little
Kancil. He was so humble and down to earth, I think. I did say that he'll be seeing a lot of me next semester. Yeah, I'm taking Software Testing and Reliability.
I went back to level 17 to collect the loaned laptop and my things. Zaza was not there, but Fiza was. I don't know what strucked me, but I sort of 'sembang-sembang' with her, from KRU, to the IP Phone, to Akademi Fantasia, to Futsal and gosh!! For 7 months.. I discovered that she and Zaza was my age!!!Only that she was a Taurus (has the same birthdate with Arina) and Zaza was borned somewhere in April. They didn't believe I was 21 that I had to show my driving license. And yes, Fiza said that I looked so matured... I said it was the pimples.. but she said it was maybe about the studying (what studying).. and I was stucked there from 4.30 till the end of office hours. The both of them even said that they were searching for those with their age and didnt found any. Zaza even said they like to be friends with the people with their age, and yes, Fiza even did ask me to join them for lunch later on Tuesday. It's like, asyik2 muka Zaza, asyik2 muka Fiza.. (aiyaa.. muke aku penuh jerawat ni pon nak tengok ke?) Nice one enoll.. just nice laaa....
By 5 I went up and returned the laptop. I wanted to thank En Yazam and En Shaharum but they hadn't return. So I packed my bags and went home.
I was so happy, that on my way back.. there was one this fella, claiming that he was just out of prison asking a fare of RM 1. I simply gave him (lucky for me there was RM 1 in my wallet, if not.. perhaps I've already given him a red note!!!) and said to him "Jalan baik-baik ye..."
A burden released! Now I can concentrate on my final report and my enjoyment and World Cup and girls and learning SeaLiner (hehehhe... yeah.. I'll learn)

posted by Ainul Hafiz @ 9:18 PM,
- At 8:09 AM, nuriena said...
enol.. takut tak??? takut nye aku nk present. hopefuly si bahiyah tu x kerek time kitorg present nnt. kecut2~ bg la tips cket. huhu
- At 8:23 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
rasa cuak dan nervous aku tak datang sampai laa malam sebelum nak present tuh... and sepanjang pagi tuh aku nervous.. tapi bila tengah tunggu Dr Azween tuh... nervous tu dah ilang.. sebab aku riso die tak datang lak...
tapi bendenye Dr Azween ngan En Yazam dedua ade cakap (personally bile aku tanye) yg aku nampak nervous.. En Yazam siap cakap tangan aku terketar2 (tapi tadek aa macam Haziq AF nyanyi.. tu dah teruk sangat)... and aku tak rehearse depan cermin.. so maybe laa not quite well prepared...
secara kolektifnye aku bersyukur dapat Dr Azween jadi SV... pandai2 laa korang amik hati Ms Syarifah tu... communication and persuasive is important... - At 10:24 AM, Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 said...
perghhh aku x tau nape tp pas aku baca ko nyer nih, tetiba aku nervous lak huhu, adei x nah aku nervous pasal presentation nih tetiba laju lak jantung nih warghhhh!! aku xle concentrate kat slide lg, tgh rush siap kan project + maintain server dept. man, kalo x siap ni i'm in dipshit. dah le mainly tu jer keje aku kat sini huhu.
-jep- - At 10:32 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
heh.. sorry sbb post nih buat ko nervous.. aku pon rasenye tak pnah nervous utk present.. kali ni je nervous.. tp maybe sbb dah lama tak present... tuh jerk...~
- At 10:37 AM, said...
warghh!! aku pn sama macam ko gk jep. baca je menatang neh...tros nebes babi! arghhh~~~ lagu tak membantu. demmit...
oh ye..aku nye presentation plg lambat kot..memula SIIU bgtau kitorg..present 10/7. but then aliza ade hal. dia mintak tangguh 13/7. tp IBM lak nk pindah bgnn baru pada 14/7 (hoho..pindah sebelah OU...ronggenggg!!!!), maka kitorg mintak tangguh pada 18/7.
Zulbo..aku tak mintak cuti awal. wpun ada lagi baki2 cuti nih..aku rasa kalo dok umah pn aku bosan. bek aku duk opis usha trainee baru..ehehee (enol...tajam woo... :P)
ahh..demmit..aku takleh pk psl final presentation. nape? psl...ahh..ini la priority aku
1) Hands-on WAS.
2) WAS Sys Admin Cert.
3) Skill Transfer to the new trainee
4) MY IBM Linux User Group presentation (ari nih.. T_T)
5) Pending Weekly Report (9)
6) Final presentation
7) Another final presentation (SV aku mintak wat 1 lagi presentation utk dept)
8) Final report.
yahh...nyesal aku mensia2kan masa 8 bln bermain2. last2 br sume2 menimpa2. - At 11:21 AM, Ainul Hafiz said...
Tajam tadek dalam priority list ko ke dek?
- At 11:43 AM, said...
tajam...msk dlm priority no 3..sekali dgn skills transfer...hohohoho!!!
- At 3:00 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
currently yg dah abes, aku, pg, zhu... who's next?
- At 3:57 PM, kakak said...
ngahahah..sian zul..sbr2...senyum sket.. br cumil...ngahaha..xle lelebih,kang kena stapler ngn arina...ampun arina..memain jer..
aku da present pg td..alhamdulillah....dr azween tu td baek sgt....harap2 masa bg markah pon dia baek gak...
next week mau wat final report smbil mekap2 projek aku tuh..hehehe...
kat skolah dlu,cikgu slalu pggil name aku last skali sbb urup "z" intern nie,aku start dulu bg kategori gurlz...hahaha
hope sume kengkwn success masa presentation nnti..all da best... - At 4:38 PM, said...
zhu: kalo tgk ayat ko kan..sume sama jer..ko copy paste ek? kat blog aku pn sama jer ayat.. "ngahahah..sian zul..sbr2...senyum sket.. br cumil..."
jamie: aku sokong ko..aku rasa fiza tuh nmpk mcm lg tua sket..dlm 28-30..huhu..
btw jamie..zahara dak eng? dak civil? adekah za ex kuzek?
zulbo: gile bes dpt cuti awal. aku bercadang blk utp lmbt. ngehehehe~ (24/7 amek test WAS...waaaaa!!! T_T) - At 4:53 PM, kakak said...
adek: xde la..tu ayat feveret..ampun..bkn copy paste..xbajet lak ko leh pasan sbb aku pon tak pasan...ngahahahha
- At 4:55 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
jamie@adek.. ade 2 fiza.. kalo korang teliti dalam baca post2 dulu2 aku pasal time aku duk kat ofis ni.. korang akan faham... 1 fiza yang exec staff kat helpdesk@project manager aku.. 1 lagi fiza fiza receptionist.. fiza receptionist sebaya... fiza helpdesk ni umur die 26 kalo tak silap.. kat gambar tuh fiza helpdesk (ko cube pk logic.. ade ke receptionist rupe macam ofis?)
adek on behalf of jamie: ye ex kuzek.. - At 4:56 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
adek.. word feveret zhu = 'ampun'
- At 4:22 PM, said...
haha..fav word dak2 neh...yg aku notice:
zhu=ampun..sian..sabar2..senyum cumil.. (eja "cumil" tuh tak tahan tuh..huhuh)
sape2 pasan lg sila tambah. kalo akunye ade pattern gk ke..ehehe
enol: oo tuh projek manager ko? no wonder nmpk tua sket. tp nmpk matured aa gk..and u know how crazy we are to matured people :p
intan on behalf of enol : expect the unexpected :p - At 2:06 PM, said...
part tuh..kene tanya cik syafrey. cik post! update about village residency!
- At 10:40 PM, Ainul Hafiz said...
dak2 mara bagaimana nasib mereka?