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aku tergerak hati nak memberi khidmat utk wat majlis makan2 nih tp byr sendiri2 la ek kecuali aku..haha. ari tu pakcik ada kasi idea nak wat majlis iftar dimana leh berbuka ramai2 ngan sumer org. itu hanya lah idea yg bernas tp kena mintak pendapat dari korg gak sama ada nak sertai atau tgk jer idea nih berlalu pergi.

kat sini ada beberapa cadangan yg aku fikirkan sendiri utk kalian yg sibuk bekerja. sapa2 pun leh kasi cadangan utk meneruskan usaha murni nih.

kertas cadangan adalah seperti berikut :
1. time bulan pose
2. pas raya (jamuan raya la kot)

1. kg baru
2. mid valley
3. klcc
4. Times Square
5. tempat yg ada mknan enak2 n ada public transport.

1. kurg rm50
2. lebih rm50

cara nak mengadap mknan
1. bufet hotel
2. bufet restoran mcm chicken hut
3. mkn order2 mcm kedai mknan biasa
4. mkn order masing2 mcm beli mc d atau kfc


posted by Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 @ 7:59 PM, ,

Apa Citer Skrg?

Tahniah kepada sesapa yg dah grad khusus nyer budak2 itisjan03 yg amat ku kenali dan sayangi. Tujuan aku menulis kat blog nih sebagai permulaan hidup baru kepada semua org yg sudah bekerjaya, masih meneruskan belajar dan menunggu keje. Jadi wat masa nih bg diri ku yg masih lapang kat rumah, ku meluangkan sedikit utk menulis skit khabar2 kehidupan kawan2 itisjan03 yg mana ku dgr dari korg jugak. Lawa wajah baru blog nih n skali aku tgk mcm nero nyer application. bagus tol keje sapa yg wat nih..enol ke yg wat? sbb aku tgk merah nih warna feveret dier..hehe

Aku nak start dari org yg paling dekat ngan rumah aku kot iaitu Amin. Skrg nih amin sedang training kat MDEC KL utk mendapatkan certificate Java yg skrg nih tgh laku kat pasaran. Dah org kasi belajar free, jadi dier pun amik jer la training dari x wat apa2 kat rumah.

Nad : duk area bangi fasa 16. rumah laks dekat ngan rumah aku. Kalo nek keter tuh 5 minit jer..hehe. skrg nih dah dpt project dan menjadi slh seorg pekerja SATYAM kat cyber jaya. Kira dah keje 3 bulan lebih kat situ.

Leha: skrg nih duk kat fasa 1 x silap aku n dekat gak ngan rumah nad. Jalan kaki jer dah smpi walaupun fasa 1 sbb kawasan diorg sblh2 jer (org bangi x reti susun no). skrg nih dgr citer dier masih bekerja kat Sony n agak tension sbb company jepun. Kira agak strict la keje tuh kata beliau time jumpa kat convo ari tuh.

Chemun: skrg nih duk kat fasa 1 gak ngan kawan2 dier yg masih study lagi. Masih membawa keter ijau@katak pisang ke tempat keje. Dier juga masih dlm training kat SATYAM utk 3 bulan rasa nyer. Dah 2/3 kali dtg rumah aku ngan pakcek after dating.haha

Pakcek: skrg nih duk kat puchong serumah ngan mat, bulah, kamal dan bob kisas. Ari2 dier kena naik ERL dari putrajaya sblm smpi kl sbb dier keje kat KLCC floor 37 kot. Kira byk duit abis kat tambang jer kata dier. Kemungkinan besar dier nak berpindah ke KL sbb dekat ngan tempat keje skit n ada transport awam nih. Pakcek keje kat dept Research n Technology x silap aku skali ngan Jamie@jamilah. Kira kawan karib Jamie la kat opis nih..hehe

Mat: yg aku dgr kabar nyer dier dah g Subang. X tau laks pasal apa. Nih yg x leh nak tulis byk sbb kang jadi citer dongeng laks. Adakah dier masih training kat SATYAM? Nanti aku tanya balik kat osmet dier ek.

Bullah: pelajar IS yg cemerlang n skrg nih training kat SATYAM satu sesi ngan mat. Kata pakcik, bullah dah ada hobi baru iaitu menangkap gmbr n mula menjinakkan diri dlm bidang fotografi. Apa lg bulah, leh la mintak tunjuk ajar dari macha. Aku dulu pun belajar dari dier gak.

Kamal: budak nih leh kata sume org kenal. Dari sumber yg ku dapati, kamal dah betukar menjadi seorg yg SGT periang dan pandai buat lawak smpi ada opismate ckp dier kelakar dan sporting. Mgkn sbb dier dah ada buah hati (kawan nad). Aku ada gak gmbr kamal nih berlatih menari ngan muka selamba utk culture night. Hehe~ (jgn marah ek kamal)

Bob kisas: pekerja berdedikasi di TechnoDex. Dari khabar yg ku dgr, company nih adalah tempat bob prektikel dulu n company nih sanggup tawarkan gaji yg agak lumayan utk bob supaya bob keje ngan diorg. Bak kata, diorg suka sgt bob nih dan lagi satu company nih majority Chinese. Kira respek la gua kat lu bob. Lagi satu sblm aku terlupa, bob nih ada gak hobi baru iaitu ternak@bela ikan sebagai peneman dirumah. :P

Faizi: skrg nih dier duk kat Cyberia yg sgt berdekatan ngan SATYAM. Kira kalo nek keter tuh 2/3 minit dah leh smpi. Kalo guling2 mau la dekat 10 minit kot.haha. skrg nih dier grup lain ngan nad n kamal jadi diorg jarg jumpa la kot wat masa nih.

Skrg kita g kat shah alam laks. Sean@romate ku yg paling bes. Skrg nih sean keje kat KLCC floor baper ek? Luper dah aku. Yg aku igt la, dier nyer keje mcm monitor harga barg dipasaran antara pembekal (sori kalo silap sbb ini yg aku igt jer..gomen sean). Skrg nih leh kata sean agak busy ngan keje2 dier kat opis smpi kadg2 balik lmbt gak. Ganbatte sean!!

Macha: aku dgr citer dari sean yg dier dpt KLCC gak tp department, aku x sure. Kalo sapa2 ada kabar dier, bgtau la kat aku ek.

Enol@ainul: nih antara kawan yg bes bg aku sepanjang kat UTP walaupun x pernah satu rumah ngan aku. Yg membuatkan aku kata kawan bes sbb dier antara ahli group yg kekal dari 2nd year x silap aku smpi la final sem. Memandangkan dier duk jauh skit dari rumah kitaorg, bila time discuss utk project atau wat keje sama2 sure dier dtg bilik aku nyer atau bilik jep. Hehe~ (ahli group kami yg paling byk kali sama ialah aku, sean, jep, enol)

En A: skrg nih dier duk kat rumah n donlod gem n muvi byk2 mcm aku. Skrg nih dier antara org yg aku byk chat ngan dier pasal gem. Gem terbaru yg bes adalah Bioshock ngan World In Conflict. Kepada peminat2 gem n ada masa lapang kat rumah pas keje, beli atau donlod la gem nih. Rating tinggi n gameplay bes (citer pasal gem laks..huhu)

Abu: dier dah benti proton khabar nyer dan skrg nih baru terima tawaran utk jadi apa ek? Ari tuh kuzek ada ckp kat aku yg nanti kalo amik job nih leh jadi Duta. Gaji lumayan n keje kerajaan siap senang2 leh dpt pangkat Datuk. Sori la abu, aku x dgr berita dari ko pun. Kalo ko terbaca benda nih, apakata kita chat2 kat ym ke atau main emel :P

Adil: setakat yg aku dgr dier skrg nih menjadi pekerja Proton yg bagus. Apa lg, angkat la proton sebijik sementara promosi skrg nih leh beli harga iswara 28 ribu jer promosi Raya nih. Haha

Adek@rearange: aku kdg2 chat gak ngan mamat nih time dier dah msk keje dlm kul 12 tuh. Sian dier sbb kena balik keje kul 8 n terpaksa berbuka kat opis. Sabar jer la ek, apa2 pun awek satu opis kan? :P adek nih keje kat IBM n skrg nih duk kat Bndr Tasik Selatan. Katanyer duk rumah apartment kan? Nanti raya aku dtg ek..hehe

Jep: skrg nih dier dah jadi org ganu n ckp ganu la pas nih. Silap2 gelaran pun jadi jep ganu. Hehe. Jep skrg nih keje kat penapisan kat Kerteh, Terengganu. Makan sana murah jep janji pandai cari kalo malas masak.

Kuzek: mamat nih skrg keje kat ABF, Bintulu, Sarawak sekali ngan Arina. Kena tahan la ek hidup kat sana mcm ayah aku tuh. Ayah aku keje kat sana gak tp MLNG n kira satu site la kot.

Wakeup: skrg nih dier merempat kat rumah member dier kat KL. Tunggu petronas panggil keje katanya sbb ari tuh dier dah kena interview ngan company MLNG. Berita dier nih pun time dier pm aku 2 minggu lepas time aku tgk anime.

Zulbo: antara warga ITISJAN03 yg paling jauh merantau aku rasa. Dier skrg g Labuan n awek laks kat Bintulu. Aku baru jer pas ber ym ngan dier nih n dier bgtau skrg nih dier keje kat petronas methanol labuan n department operating performance improvement. duk laks kat rumah sewa ngan budak UTP yg len, kira dah pakat la nih ek..kat rumah dier ada tenet gak utk bemesra dgn arina. hehe. Ujung minggu dtg la lawat Arina ek kat Bintulu. Leh kot nek keter atau drive ke bintulu. X pun nek flight jer. Hehe~ (status mu slalu ku lihat merindui arina mu..sabar ek, dah nama idup perantauan. Ayah aku sejak kawin ngan mak aku pun x pernah dpt keje dekat2 ngan rumah.)

Intan Marliana: skrg ni dier keje kat KLCC n duk rumah sepupu dier. Dier baru jer stat keje minggu lepas ari isnin n skrg dah jadi org KL la ek. Jep laks jadi org Ganu. Hehe. Ari tuh dier ada bgtau dier dept apa tp luper laks nak simpan.

Intan Rahayu: ari tuh dier ada bgtau kat aku time dinner yg dier skr gnih keje kontrak dgr petronas kat Melaka. Tempat tinggal aku x sure laks, mgkn rumah sendiri kot sbb dah kat Melaka.

Arina: skrg nih keje kat ABF, Bintulu skali ngan kuzek. Kira sama kes rindu la antara mereka ngan zulbo nih. Bawak byk bersabar ek. Kalo kawin nanti, jemputan la kami semua ek. Pas kawin, keje dekat2 dah la ek, xder la menahan rindu slalu. :P

Zhuanis: dier dah keje kat HR KLCC kata pakcek. Duduk laks aku x sure kat mana tp sure kat KL gak. Hehe~ kalo sapa2 yg xdpt keje, try tanya dier ek.

Dyana: inilah satu2 nyer kawan perempuan ku awal2, dier cita2 nak jadi cikgu kot n muka pun dah ada gaya leh mengajar budak. Tercapai la jugak cita2 dier nih nak dah jadi lecturer kat kolej politech mara bt pahat je sbg pensyarah sains kom. yg tak best katanya ialah kena ajar subjek yg agak menggerunkan..huhu.. C++, data struc and data comm. Gaji laks ok katanya dan trmasuk dgn elaun suma2 dkt rm2000 gk.ni kira gaji leturer prcubaan. klau dier pass tmpoh prcubaan 6 bln nnt,baru masuk ke permenent. time tu gred nye dh naik skit..hehe. so far dier takda mslh aa sbb rumah dier lbh kurang 3km jek. (Miss~~ Gud morning..kira leh usha laki2 hensem la ni..haha)

Fad: dier melanjutkan pelajaran dier ke Master n amik pun kat UTP gak sbb dkt ngan balak dier. Leh memasak utk kasi makan kat balak dier, bes told pt awek pandai masak nih. (jgn terasa ek nad :P)

Akhir skali, buat zam9, aimi, iena, farahnaz, jojie, kak nik, dilla, maziah, hajar dan syafaf. Aku x dpt khabar terbaru dari korg la, jadi x leh nak tulis byk2. kalo korg terbaca notis nih, leh la bgtau kat aku balik ek. Nanti leh la aku edit n tambah skit2 mana yg x betul sbb kbykan nyer sume dari khabar jer. Mana la tau ada tokok tambah summer. Hehe

Buat Gomok, Pigi, Palie, Safwan, Bora, Jijah dan Fifi. Semoga korg wat yg terbaik time kat UTP ek. Nanti kalo korg grad, aku lawat korg nyer, insyaallah~

Kalo ada silap atau terkasar bahasa dlm penulisan aku tuh, harap maaf la ek. Kalo typo tuh, slalu sgt ada dlm aku nyer tulisan nih. X dpt di elakkan bg seorg Gajah bila menaip di PC. Haha. Kalo ada yg terkurag atau berlebihan, bgtau la ek. Nanti aku adjust balik penulisan nih. Hehe.

~gajahchan yg cute lg hensem~

posted by Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 @ 2:46 PM, ,

>>> Final Year?? <<<

Yeah, itisjan03 blog's has been empty for quite some time. After everyone start going back to the routine in UTP, nobody ever care if this blog need any new posts. Yeah I'm partly to be blame too.

Busy as final year students? Lol that's actually something to be laugh. No matter how busy, people here still got time to play games and stuff. That's the routine, well I can say that's another responsibility for UTP students? haha!

Nothing much different; UTP is still UTP. Well there are some changes, such as the additional bump in the road that can knock a big hole under the car. What else? A little bit better of network connections. Next? Nothing. I can't think of any other.

People say as a final year student, there are a lot more responsibility, a lot more maturity is needed, a lot more work need to be done. I agree for the part of work, partly agree for the responsibility, but the maturity? Damn I think I was more responsible while doing my internship training. At least I go for work at times. Here? Countless of morning class skip. Bury me into the hell.

Yeah I'm not enjoying my study anymore. Enuff said. How about you?

(Owh well, people never satisfied with what they have. Once I started working, I think I'll miss the studying environment. But hey, it is seriously "sangap" being in here.. *sigh*)

posted by Anonymous @ 2:24 PM, ,

ItIsJan03@Lata Kinjang!

Sabtu, 12 Ogos 2006

Setelah merancang perkelahan untuk semester ini, akhirnya berjaya juga melaksanakan aktiviti rekreasi ke Lata Kinjang. 4 kenderaan telah bertanggungjawab dalam pengemudian ini. Kenderaan pertama dikemudi Kapten Enoll, bersama anak kapal: Kuzekk dan PG; Kenderaan kedua diketuai Kapten Iena bersama anak kapal: Syafa, Fiffy dan Kak Nik, Kenderaan ketiga dimudiki Kapten Zulbo bersama anak kapal: Arina, Kamal dan Bob, serta batalion terakhir dikawal selia Kapten Gajah dan anak kapal: Nad, Sean dan Dy.

Pada petang sebelumnya, aku, Gajah dan Sean telah melakukan survey untuk mendapatkan sebut harga bagi menimbang nilai bajet bagi setiap kepala. Hasil kira-kira mendapati RM 6 seorang sudah memadai.

Pagi Sabtu itu dirahmati rintik-rintik hujan berarak ringan. Dalam cerah terserlah keindahan. Legasi kami berlepas pada jam 11 dengan harapan agar hujan tidak turut serta ke Lata Kinjang. Apa yang lebih menggalakkan lagi, beberapa minit sebelum kami bertolak, UTP terputus bekalan eletrik. Perjalanan lebih kurang 60 km ke Lata Kinjang mengambil masa yang agak lama kerana betapa berhati-hatinya kami memandu (chewah!)

Sesampai di Lata Kinjang dalam lingkungan 1 petang, kami tidak teragak-agak untuk segera membasahkan diri dalam kesejukan air terjun. Namun buat pasukan penghidup api yang diketuai Kuzekk, tugasan memasang bara lebih utama, kalau tak.. camner nak buat BBQ? Kuzekk akhirnya tewas dan anehnya bila Fiffy dan Gajah mengambil alih, mau pula api dihidupkan.

Memang seronok berada di situ. Budak-budak laki (kecuali Zulbo ngan Sean) tak sudah-sudah main gelongsor dari atas.. Gajah yang lebih daring menemukan track yang baru yang lebih menyeronokkan. Aku 'terjatuh' secara tak sengaja masa nak buat slide tuh. Fiffy satu-satunya pompuan yang berani menggelongsor.

Terdapat juga aksi menyelamatkan botol 100 plus yang hanyut - oleh Kamal, dan juga aksi menyelamatkan botol sos Cili yang hanyut - oleh aku.

Dalam lingkungan 3.45, kami berkemas-kemas serta bersiap-siap untuk pulang. Maklumlah, zohor pon belum lagi. dak2 perempuan ambil masa yang sangat lama untuk bersiap. Kena gilir-gilir + benda yang nak dipakai pon lagi banyak dari laki (paham kan?)

Disebabkan sudah agak lewat, kami decide untuk solat Zohor di surau perkampungan orang asli. Agak menghairankan tengok anak-anak orang asli rilek je panjat tiang surau tu guna tangan ngan kaki ala-ala monyet panjat pokok kelapa. Huhuhuuu...

Lepas semayang, semua bertolak pulang.. PG dan Kuzekk dalam kereta aku dua-dua tido... sebab kebosanan.. aku bawak kereta ke kiri dan kanan. Concern juga kereta depan dan belakang ku (Sean dan Zulbo) di mana kedua-duanya menelefon untuk mengetahui aku ni mamai ke ape.. aku ok jek.. cume bosan dah sorang2 bawak kete...

Kami decide untuk mengadakan detour ke RnR untuk menikmati ABC serta Kebab ditengah terik petang. Kami mengintai masuk ke kawasan UTP dalam jam 6.

Pengalaman kali ini memang indah. Lebih meriah kalau lebih ramai yang turut serta. Semoga next perkelahan dapat ramai-ramai lagi join. Dah tahun akhir ni... tak banyak dah masa untuk get together sama-sama.

posted by Ainul Hafiz @ 1:27 PM, ,

The first and the last

(From my blog)

Isnin, 12 Disember 2005

Belum pernah lagi seawal kira-kira tujuh pagi dari aku naik LRT, dan bertolak ke satu destinasi yang sudah lama tak aku tujui. Destinasi yang bakal aku lalui selama tiga puluh dua minggu. Destinasi yang bakal merubah terus cara hidup dan penyusunan waktu atur nafasku. Destinasi yang membanding beza alam remaja dan dewasaku. Dayabumi.

Perjalanan dari Pandan Jaya ke Masjid Jamek hanyalah kira-kira 20 minit. Berjalan kaki dari Masjid Jamek ke Dayabumi dalam lingkungan 8 minit. Sekitar jam 7.40 pagi, kelana muda tiba di tempat tumpang teduhnya. Gelisah dan risah, gundah tak menentu arah, jejari mencari 'Dad' di dalam senarai nombor, memanggil. Mendapat nasihat menghubungi Syed Shaharum. Syed Shaharum, sedang bercuti. Tiada di ofis. Di Pahang (agaknya). Arahan diterima untuk menelefon Zainal Osman. Zainal Osman gagal dihubungi, lantas menghubungi semula Syed Shaharum. Syed Shaharum memesan supaya tunggu. Aku tunggu dalam debar. Jam sudah menjangkaui delapan pagi. Skema sungguh pada perawalan dahulu.

Staff MISC pertama yang aku kenal, Haji Shamsul. Mengajar aku mengambil pas di receptionist (yang kemudian menjadi rutin selama hampir dua bulan) untuk naik ke atas. Service Desk, tempat pertama aku kenal. Duduk di sebuah kerusi kosong milik 'Zul'. Sedang duduk2 mendapat panggilan dari 'Razak' supaya ke tingkat 21. Haji Shamsul membawa ke tingkat 21, bertukar tangan ke Razak.

Razak membawa kenal kepada Megat Kamil, yang memaklumkan 'Reza' yang sepatutnya bertanggungjawab sedang bermesyuarat. Megat memberi penerangan statusku yang diletakkan di Human Resource Division selama seminggu sebelum ke ICT department. Razak membawa aku mengenali staff-staff dan juga sekitar MISC. Aku didudukkan dihadapan Kak Ramlah, di antara 'Syed' dan 'Chaya'.

Oleh sebab tiada apa yang dibuat, komputer yang diberi tiada Internet, maka lena sajalah yang boleh aku lakukan. Kak Wan, meminta aku bertanya sesuatu kepada Mr Leng, dalam mamai-mamai aku yang tak faham soalan bertanya pada Mr Leng - yang tidak tahu aku seorang intern. Dan dalam terpinga-pinga, memang aku takkan mampu mendapat jawapan dari Mr Leng kerana ssuatu yang bukan dibawah kefahaman aku. Mr Leng memberi beberapa dokumen untuk dibaca. Baca = tidur kembali.

Dalam 9.30 Reza Huzairi datang ke meja. Kacak orangnya. Maka aku diberi aku mendapat penerangan tentang HR dari Megat dan Reza. Kemudian kembali ke meja.

Waktu lunch, aku ke Stove, tempat yang biasa ayah dan mama bawa ketika kecil - dan baru ku kenal nilai wang dan murahnya kehidupan di dalam universiti. Usai makan segera berzohor di surau.

Seterusnya aku dijadualkan mendapat penerangan selanjutnya dari Faisal dan juga Megat - namun sesuatu yang sangat menarik terjadi. Aku yakin tidak ada seorang pun intern mengalami apa yang aku lalui. Loceng kecemasan tetiba kedengaran. Dan Menara Dayabumi perlu dikosongkan segera. Hari pertama di alam kerja, aku sudah mengenal di mana tangga kecemasan dan menapak turun setingkat demi setingkat dari tingkat 21, lalu berhimpun di hadapan pejabat pos. Setelah keadaan didapati selamat, semua kembali ke tempat masing-masing. Kira-kira sejam masa 'terbazir' di situ.

Kembali ke meja dan berkenalan dengan Ridzuan dan Megat. Mereka sebenarnya berbincang tentang LOM, dan aku cuma mendengar dan mendengar. Dan aku kembali ke meja dan membaca dokumen2 yang telah ku baca sampai jam 5. Terus pulang.

Begitulah, hari pertama dari tiga puluh dua minggu yang seterusnya.

Friday, 21 July 2006

I was not as early as before, where I used to arrive by 7.40 - nowadays my timing was around 8.00 - 8.10. As I arrive, Abg Azam was at my desk, with my PC on. We had some 'business' to be discussed. I did my routine, went to the pantry to get a cup of tea and opened my mail, my meebo, and checking blogs, emails, friendster, newspapers, etc. Then I started my work.

I printed the spine and the cover page for my final report and log book. Then, I proceed ammending the SOPP as Fiza requested. Kak Salasiah came later, giving me the documents that I needed En Shaharum's initial on it. Exchanged the document with Fiza and did my final ammendment on the Escalation Process Flow. By then, I got Kak Anne's consultation to proceed with checking the phone extensions or not. I proceeded - while I also calculated my total weekly reports.

Also did my routine of exchanging mails with Kuzek. Oh, today's first email was from Aysha - which was her last. We will be meeting later in UTP. I then arranged my documents of log book and final report - I am ready. Time paasses and Wesley gave me a call and asked about lunch - we had a time of 2 o clock on agreement.

As Friday's are very fast - I went to the Service Desk, had a small chat with Fiza before going to my Friday prayers. And yes as usual, would go to the stalls outside and get something to eat. Murtabak and Cincau - where I never bought both at here before. It was raining, so finished my murtabak swiftly and got in. Was not a surprise to see the Masjid full before the Azan due to the rain.

I gathered with Wesley and his other colleagues from VADS at Nautica. He treated me as it was our final feast together. Nasi Goreng Ayam Telur Mata - the four of us had the same menu. I entered office back at 3.

Fiza asked me to go to the Service Desk after lunch, but she wasnt there, so I went to the staging room, and saw the video of UPM students (I think) doing a demo which I was unsure on what cause.

I came back to my desk, and cleared all my things. All papers were put in a box - to be recycled hopefully. I just realized that I had 2 meeting minutes of the CDIIS project with HSSE with me - where I was suppose to get the signature of Captain Deepak; which I didnt. I returned the documentation to Kak Rozleena. Kak Ros then invited me to join her in meeting Encik Khairul Anuar next Tuesday - I then revealled that it was my final day in MISC. She just knew, and went to meet Encik Anwar to convey the message. Encik Anwar came and spoke to me and wished me the best and so on. Then I continue, packing where I saw Azmi not in his office attire, it was 4 o clock. I thought he was on his way back, so I shook his hands and told him I was done. En Hasan was with him, where we did exchange handshakes.

I then went to the HR and met Encik Ridzuan, also got wishes from him, and asked orders from Kak Reeni about my pass card. She asked me to get a temporary pass from the receptionist downstairs. After I obtained one, I gave my card which had served me well through out this internship period. Then I said goodbye to Ila and Kak Reeni.

I went to the receptionist at level 17 for a while to meet the other Fiza and Zaza - the 2 other people (except Ila) who are my age in MISC. We exchanged phone numbers, took some pictures, and said goodbye to each other.

Then, I started meeting every staff in the ICT department, from Yong, Mr Manjit, Kak Aini, Kak Jalidah, Johnny, Ms Jasmine, En Yazid, Stephen, Kak Mala, Mr Beh, Yam, Fiza (we took our pictures.. and they even put their make up on before it!), Chief, Awie, Abg Alias, Abg Rahim, Pak Ajam, Kak Shidah, Kak Saleha, Albert, Kak Anne, Mr Ho, Haji Shamsul, Kak Marina, Kak Haizan, Encik Yazam, Mr Ho, Kak Yus, Kak Salasiah, Selvy, Abg Leman, and lastly - Encik Shaharum.

Encik Shaharum treated me Teh Tarik and Roti Canai (well, not he actually... a GM from MILS paid.. so consider him as 'bringing me there')... At first En Shaharum was targeting a time of 15 minutes. And the 15 minutes expanded to more than half and hour I guess. It was 6.30!!!

I had my final say with En Shaharum - the one who put his plans on my schedule for all this 8 months. Till then, bomvoyage MISC!!!

It was a day of mixed emotions. It was not a sad feeling. But a feeling where you're leaving a place you are complecent to another where you know very well. It's a feeling of leaving behind some of those who had been very nice to you for 8 months, and returning to back to the old flocks of friends. It's a feeling of from adult to teenager. It's a feeling of gladness of having your time of your life. It's a feeling of changing your routine for 8 months, to another old routine for the next 14 weeks.

MISC Berhad had left a lot of help, a lot of memories, a lot of support, and a lot of experience. Thank you for the time I had here. I'm not sad I am leaving, but I am glad that I left it where I can claim - I was HERE!

Most of them told me to come there in my holidays, En Shaharum had greater ideas for me to come if I have research to be done for my final year. I am glad that I met this group of people - who are busy yet they do notice and do give their very best wishes to a naive innocent kid like me.

I ain't sure if I'll be returning to MISC (as an employee) in the future, but if I am destined there - I'll be prepared.

For the mean time, I think I'll get emails exchanged and keep the network connected.

P/S: Just discovered that En Yazam also reads my blog. And guys, our lecturers are also reading this! Hello to you folks. We're back!

posted by Ainul Hafiz @ 9:30 AM, ,

Community Message


Have you ever revealed your personal information on the web? Not your favourite food, artists, who you want to meet, what books have you read etc etc. Personal information as in your email password. Never? I thought so.

But I think some of you have. Maybe you haven't realised it yet. I have the urge to write this post on the weekend to remind all of you. I usually never write on weekends as I have better things to do such as having a nice sleep throughout the day. A couple of my friends cannot access the yahoo mails and connect their YM. Why? Their password had been changed. When they wanted to log in in to their Ym, it refused. They wanted to log in into their Yahoo mail, the page said that the username and their password are not the same.

Why all of these happened? I can only think of one sole reason. They have revealed their password at some certain websites. Let me sum all of these into easier reading.

-Password of their Yahoo account had been changed. As a result, they cannot access their Mail, YM, Briefcase, Photos etc2. as of the password of all Yahoo Services are the same.

-They have revealed ther password t certain websites.

1. They received email from certain websites saying something like this. "Hey, your friend, Ali, has something to show you. It's his personal test's result of his/her lover bla bla bla(this is an example). But first, but your email and your password into these boxes and submit and after that you can see your friend's result bla bla bla.

This is just my opinion. Maybe there are other valid reason on why their password are changed. I've summed up all of these because I have received these emails from the ones that their password have been changed.

How we can prevent this?

What if you have?
-Right now, at this very moment, open your email account and change the password. Right now. At this very moment.

What if you really want your email back even the password has been changed.
-You can click the Forget your password link which appeared at most of these email homepage. Like Yahoo Mail, they will ask about your private information such as your birth dates, your name, country, etc2. They will also ask your personal question which you have set when you sign up with them. Such as What' my pet name? etc2. So if you can remember all of these, they will send you an email to you secondary email account with you password. You are saved.

To those people who play those quizzes on the net, do some surveys, to those who do the personal quiz test to determine if you are a batman or a superman, please beware. If you have put you email and password into some websites, please take the action above and change your password right away.

Some of my friends loses important emails, contacts in their address book and even YM contacts. It's hard to organise back your contacts and your YM list. You have to do announcement on Friendster and such, announce mass messages to friends, and sometime these things can be annoying.

So please, before you starts annoying me, take some measures.

Sorry for writing in such a way. Bad grammars, wrong spellings etc. I wrote this in less than 10 minutes. I don't know who will read this but I hope people who read this can remind their friends.


taken from gomok's blog.

posted by Internship - IT/IS Jan 03 @ 12:11 PM, ,

Happy!!! Happy!!! Happy!!!

<<< Re-post from Cinta Sumber Segala Cinta >>>

For better feel of reading this post, please tune in to OST - Happy Days TV Theme Song

At last came the day... MY FINAL PRESENTATION for this practical training... had been a long 7 months. To be among the earliest is just cool since I was eager to end everything fast. My nervous also camed very late last night (I was not nervous until yesterday) when I sort of couldn't present in front of my own dad. I even missed all games last nite just because of my fright on today's session. It isn't Dr Azween who I am scared of, but it is my supervisors here, En Shaharum and En Yazam who knows well everything that I had been going through. So no more kelentong2 or kencheng2 in this presentation... all must be true and precise. THAT'S the part that made me fear. However my dad did gave some words of advise where:

"Angah cakap benda yang angah tahu je, benda yang tak tahu toksah cakap. Nanti die tanya karang susah nak jawab."

Eventhough I did not watch any football matches.. I did wake up late (late means with the help of my mother to wake me up) around 7. Tried to rush to office to come early (usually I'm late for 10-15 minutes) and I did arrive early, well.. 5 minutes before 8. I went to the receptionist and check with Zaza on the room I booked. She changed it to room 6, a much closed room. Just what I need. And then went to meet Abg Rahim to get the laptop I loaned for this presentation. By time En Shaharum was there, I asked me about my slides, he said ok.. just follow the ammendments En Yazam made. En Yazam then gave me the assessment after filling up the Section III comments, some impressive remarks especially at the end where he stated I wouldnt have any problems to adapt to the working environment.

I met En Shaharum to discuss the grading for the 19 criteria... previously he asked me to evaluate my self... there are points where I graded myself 3 (as average).. luckily and I am so glad En Shaharum gave me a 4.. and also even incremented some which were 4 to 5. There was a point of Leadership, where I said I didnt feel that my leadership skills were developed... He did ponder awhile (is it hard to evaluate?) and then said I did show leadership skills through the discussions and decision makings.. (huh? did I?).. and all in all was 4 and most of it with fives with no threes...

I was so nervous that I went to the washroom 3 times, where nothing came out! So I tried to rehearse what I will be saying but it's much more tiring than playing futsal! So I sort of try to relax, eventhough was not so. I then decided to go for lunch, (usually I don't) to take away the nerve out of me.

After my Zohor prayers, suddenly the feeling to throw came, so I went to the gents. Relieved. So I rushed up since Dr Azween said he'll arrive at 2. Took the laptop and my other items, and went to Level 17, Meeting Room 6, prepared all materials and had a cup of coffee to ease myself. I went in and out the room for several times. Dr Azween said he will arrive at 2 but still he has not appeared. He is very punctual and usually early.

As I waited at the receptionist, I saw his figure entering the sliding door. (I was imagining him cutting his hair, nope.. his hair was just longer). I greeted him and brought him to MR6, had some chats since En Yazam and En Shaharum has not yet arrived.

Later En Yazam arrived, and then En Shaharum. I started my presentation, evaluated by Dr Azween and En Yazam. I was nervous, but just kept on talking. I started explaining from the agenda, the objectives, my achievements in Service Desk, the IPCC Project, Fleet and Non Liner Application and also in the CDIIS Project. The only question I received was from En Yazam and En Shaharum, En Yazam asked me to explain what I meant with 'transfer sets' and its importance (luckily I answered correctly) and En Shaharum asked my recommendations for the next trainee. I simply suggested that time spent in the Helpdesk should be extended so that could learn more about the Business Applications. This is because, in my period in the Service Desk, the ICT Technical has not yet been outsourced. So I did not manage to learn the difference from inside, before and after the outsource to IPerintis. Dr Azween only asked on what are the things that I did not learn, and yes the answer was programming. How rusty my skills are right now.

My presentation ended in a funny way, that I included a lessons learned which was 'experiencing office safety procedures' where I was experiencing twice Fire Drills, and the first one was on my first day in MISC. All of us laughed out.

All in all, Dr Azween was quite promoting UTP services in doing ICT consultancy and training, whereas also did propose that the .NET development that is currently done in MISC is to made my final year project. Bhoy.. I am worried. I am!

The slot ended around 4 since En Shaharum and En Yazam had a meeting to attend. I left my belongings and laptop to Zaza the receptionist, and accompanied Dr Azween for a drink. He hadn't even had his breakfast yet! We did talk on the differences of environment in UTP and KL, a lil bit on his background, and also updates about UTP, about MR Anang doing his PhD.. about my enrolled subjects next semester, about my minoring/majoring and my plans... about him going to Hajj.. and also on his desire to learn arabic language from Ust Pisol. His reason: To read the Quran better. (did I tell you Dr Azween was a convert)

I sent him to his car, an SLK... no not the Mercedes SLK... but the Small Little
Kancil. He was so humble and down to earth, I think. I did say that he'll be seeing a lot of me next semester. Yeah, I'm taking Software Testing and Reliability.

I went back to level 17 to collect the loaned laptop and my things. Zaza was not there, but Fiza was. I don't know what strucked me, but I sort of 'sembang-sembang' with her, from KRU, to the IP Phone, to Akademi Fantasia, to Futsal and gosh!! For 7 months.. I discovered that she and Zaza was my age!!!Only that she was a Taurus (has the same birthdate with Arina) and Zaza was borned somewhere in April. They didn't believe I was 21 that I had to show my driving license. And yes, Fiza said that I looked so matured... I said it was the pimples.. but she said it was maybe about the studying (what studying).. and I was stucked there from 4.30 till the end of office hours. The both of them even said that they were searching for those with their age and didnt found any. Zaza even said they like to be friends with the people with their age, and yes, Fiza even did ask me to join them for lunch later on Tuesday. It's like, asyik2 muka Zaza, asyik2 muka Fiza.. (aiyaa.. muke aku penuh jerawat ni pon nak tengok ke?) Nice one enoll.. just nice laaa....

By 5 I went up and returned the laptop. I wanted to thank En Yazam and En Shaharum but they hadn't return. So I packed my bags and went home.

I was so happy, that on my way back.. there was one this fella, claiming that he was just out of prison asking a fare of RM 1. I simply gave him (lucky for me there was RM 1 in my wallet, if not.. perhaps I've already given him a red note!!!) and said to him "Jalan baik-baik ye..."

A burden released! Now I can concentrate on my final report and my enjoyment and World Cup and girls and learning SeaLiner (hehehhe... yeah.. I'll learn)

posted by Ainul Hafiz @ 9:18 PM, ,


"itisjan03. From 2003, the friendship blooms into family. All the jokes, the memories, the happiness, the kindness, are shared for eternity. And here's the platform for this family to unite, and to care, with every available serenity"


    Jangan sumbat atau sekat P2P saya!


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